students walking on campus

Behavioral and Social Sciences Pathway

Welcome to the Behavioral and Social Sciences Pathway

Social Sciences study human society and the relationship of individuals in, and to, society. Areas of study include anthropology, history, political science, and sociology. Behavioral Sciences, particularly psychology, concern themselves with the study of the actions of humans. Behavioral sciences seek to understand, predict, and/or influence behavior. Areas of study include anthropology, psychology, and sociology. Graduates may work in public or private agencies, government, health care, education, research, business or as self-employed professionals.

About Anthropology Classes 

About the Child Development program 

Behavioral & Social Sciences Programs

Area of Study Transfer Degree Degree Certificate Skill Certificate
Administration and Supervision of Early Childhood Education C
Administration of Justice AS-T AA
Adult Basic Education C
Anthropology AA-T AA
Child Development AA C
Early Childhood Education AS-T
Elementary Teacher Education AA-T
Global Studies AA-T AA
Health, Nutrition, and Food Sanitation in Early Childhood Education C
History AA-T AA
Infant and Toddlers Studies C
Law, Public Policy and Society AA-T
Liberal Arts & Sciences - Behavioral & Social Sciences AA
Police Orientation Preparation C
Political Science AA-T AA
Preschool Associate Teacher C
Psychology AA-T
Social Justice Studies: Chicana/o Studies AA-T
Social Justice Studies: LGBTQ Studies AA-T
Social Work and Human Services AA-T
Sociology AA-T AA
Teaching Learners with Special Needs C
Title 22: Preschool Associate Teacher C
Tutor Training C