Learning Center Tutoring
Spring 2025 Tutoring
February 18, 2025 - June 9, 2025
- In-person Tutoring Services:
- Monday - Wednesday: 10 am - 7 pm
- Thursday: 10 am - 5 pm
- Remote/Virtual Services:
- Monday - Wednesday: 10 am - 7 pm
- Thursday: 10 am - 5 pm
- Friday: 11 am - 3 pm
Click Here to View Our Tutoring Schedules
Visit Penji for openings and to book an appointment with a tutor (additional information below).
Please note that we may only have online tutors for certain subjects and during certain days and times as our current staffing does not allow us to have complete coverage across both modalities.
About Our Tutoring Services:
West Los Angeles College students are provided free learning support resources and tutoring services through the Learning Center. The Learning Center offers tutoring assistance to all West students in a variety of different subjects, including, but not limited to, writing, math, science, Spanish, and computer science. Tutors are happy to assist students at any stage of their learning and/or assignment process, and tutors are trained provide student-centered tutoring. This means tutors provide a comfortable and encouraging environment for students to learn. Our tutors believe in studentsâ abilities, building their confidence, respecting their experiences, and placing students in an active role in the learning process. Students are encouraged to visit the Learning Center early and often throughout the semester to help build a strong foundation for success in their courses.
Services we offer:
- Live one-on-one or small group sessions with tutors via Zoom (by appointment)
- Assignment submission for tutor feedback
- Tutor-guided study groups (by request)
- One-on-one or group tutoring sessions (by appointment)
- Tutor-guided study groups (by request)
- General computer usage, study rooms, and study tables
Courses Available for Tutoring
- Accounting 1
- Anatomy 1
- ASL 1, 2
- Biology 3, 6
- Chemistry 60, 101
- Communication Studies 101
- Computer Science 101, 116, 131, 136
- Child Development 1, 2, 7, 8, 11, 22, 34, 42, 44, 45
- English 101, 101Y, 102, 103
- Health 11
- Mathematics 215, 227, 227S, 236, 241, 241S, 245, 259A, 259B, 260, 261, 262, 263, 270, 275
- Philosophy 1
- Physics 6, 37, 38, 39
- Physiology 1
We also provide general writing assistance/tutoring for any course with a writing component, general math and science assistance for Basic Skills/Academic Preparation courses. If you're curious if a tutor can assist with your course, simply ask!
The Learning Center is actively seeking tutors to serve courses not represented on the list above. If we do not have a tutor to assist you with your course, please let Chase Selby, Learning Center Director, know, and check back soon!
If you are interested in applying as a tutor, please do so here: Become a Tutor
How to Access Online Tutoring and Book Onsite Tutoring
All tutoring services will be provided via Penji. Penji is an easy-to-use and intuitive platform to connect students to tutoring services (both on campus and online). Penji allows for students to book appointments and submit assignments for review by a tutor. For students looking to book a group session, please contact Chase Selby (information below).
Students can book up to two 30 minute tutoring appointments per day. Appointments can be booked same day, if available (with a minimum lead time of 15 minutes), or up to 13 days in advance.
All students also have access to NetTutor. NetTutor covers additional subjects that the Learning Center does not, and their tutors may be available during hours where Learning Center tutors are not available. Please keep in mind that NetTutor tutors are not employed by West or the district. It is recommended to seek out NetTutor's services when a West tutor cannot assist.
Questions, Comments, Concerns?
If you have any difficulty accessing our tutoring services, general questions, comments, or concerns, please feel free to Live Chat with the Learning Center supervisor who is currently online (see below). Students may also reach out to @email with questions.
If you would like to contact Chase Selby, Learning Center Director, directly, please email: @email
Thank you so much for using our services. The Learning Center seeks to provide the best possible services for West LA College students, and we appreciate you giving us the opportunity to do so.
Note: By using our online tutoring services, you are agreeing to be enrolled in a NONCREDIT Tutor 001T course. This course will appear on your transcripts, but it has NO bearing on your GPA, and no grade is assigned. Your enrollment allows us to report tutoring usage and receive funding to provide you with tutoring services.