Geology Class


Program Overview

Geography is the study of Earth and its land, features, inhabitants and phenomena. Known as "the bridge between the human and physical sciences," Geography is divided into a human and a physical branch. The Science Division offers several Geography classes during the fall and spring semesters: Geography 001 - Physical Geography, Geography 002 - Cultural Elements of Geography, Geography 003 - Introduction to Weather and Climate, Geography 007 - World Regional Geography, and Geography 015 - Physical Geography Laboratory.


Programs Offered

  • ASSOCIATE DEGREE: Major Code 2206.00

Alisa Atti

Faculty Course Advisor
Dominic Merkle
(310) 287-4549
Office Location
GC 280N
Office Hours



Class Descriptions

Physical Geography - GEOG 001 (3 Units)

GEOG  001 is a systematic study of the elements of the physical environment (e.g. weather, climate, landforms, water, soil and vegetation), and an analysis of their interrelationships and patterns of world distribution.

Transfer: UC/CSU
Prerequisite: None

Physical Geography Laboratory - GEOG 015 (2 Units)

This course will introduce the student to the description, analysis, explanation and representation of natural phenomena such as: Earth- Sun relationships; Earth’s representation on maps and in air photos; temperature, moisture, and pressure; air masses, fronts, and storms; and landform evolution by tectonic, erosion, and depositional forces

Transfer: UC/CSU
Prerequisite: GEOG 001 or concurrent enrollment in GEOG 001

Cultural Elements of Geography - GEOG 002 (3 Units)

The cultural elements of geography, and their correlation with the physical environment are introduced. Population patterns, cultural diversity, livelihood, settlement, environmental modification and perception are emphasized

Transfer: UC/CSU
Prerequisite: None

Introduction to Weather and Climate - GEOG 003 (3 Units)

This course is an introduction to weather and climate patterns through an examination of the scientific method and Earth's atmosphere and processes including atmospheric composition and structure, solar radiation, energy balances, temperature, seasonality, atmospheric moisture, clouds and fog, precipitation, air pressure and circulation, air masses and fronts, cyclones, weather forecasting, climate, and climate change

Transfer: CSU
Prerequisite: None

World Regional Geography - GEOG 007 (3 Units)

This course provides a geographical survey of the world's major regions with emphasis on their physical and socio-cultural features important to an understanding of current global concerns and problems.

Transfer: CSU
Prerequisite: None