Veteran Students
Welcome Home Veterans
Thank You for Your Service
Welcome to West Los Angeles College. We are currently located in the Office of Admissions and Records. Please check our in person hours on the Admissions page.
Educational Benefits
The Post 9-11 GI Bill helps pay for school to individuals who have served on active duty on or after September 11, 2001. Please download a Department of Veterans Affairs fact sheet to learn more. In addition to the Post-911 GI Bill, there are a variety of other educational benefit programs for veterans. To learn which program might be best for you, please visit
Reminder: COVID-19 legislation that permits students to receive MHA at the resident rate, while taking converted (online) courses, will end on December 21, 2021. Starting in 2022, when enrolling for courses, students will need to enroll in approved resident classes to continue receiving their MHA at the resident rate.
New Verification to Protect Student Veterans
Starting in 2022, a new monthly enrollment verification is required for Post-9/11 GI Bill beneficiaries. Students who receive Monthly Housing Allowance (MHA) will be required to verify their enrollment to continue receiving their payments starting with Winter 2022 courses. To streamline the process, the VA is providing the option to verify enrollment easily and securely via text message. To learn more, please read Frequently Asked Questions.
Questions about your educational benefits?
Eligibility for VA education benefits rests solely with the Dept. of Veterans Affairs. To contact the VA for questions about eligibility, please call 1-888-442-4551 or visit their website at
Priority Registration
Veterans, Reserves, National Guard, and Active-duty students receiving VA benefits must complete Orientation, Assessment and Comprehensive Educational Plan to qualify for Priority Registration.
In order to Request for Certification, you must have completed at least the Comprehensive Educational Plan.
For Chapters 30, 1606, 31, 35 and 1607
Veterans Certifying Official
Email: @email
Phone: (310) 287-4370
Location: FA Building 3rd Floor (If closed, visit the Admissions Office - SSB 2nd Floor)
Hours: Monday – Thursday | 9:00 am – 1:00 pm