three students smiling with college mascot

Associated Student Organization (ASO)

Leaders Wanted

WLAC ASO Officers

  • The ASO is now accepting applications for officers including: President, Vice President, Chief Justice, Secretary and Treasurer.
  • Build your leadership skills and enhance your college experience (...looks great on resumes and university applications)

ASO Leader Application

Become the Next LACCD Student Trustee

  • The election process is now open. The deadline to apply to run for Trustee is March 14, 2025 
  • Elections will be held the week of April 28...about the position and how to apply

 LACCD Student Trustee Application

Find us in SSB 110

The Associated Student Organization (ASO) of West Los Angeles College is a purpose driven, student run organization. We are elected and appointed by the student body for the student body. We serve to benefit the student body through our support of academic achievement, public activism, and social service. We strive to build a campus that is focused on the needs and welfare of the students. We stand alongside our fellow students and campus community in order to stimulate the academic, physical, social and moral lives of students in the college. We provide students the opportunity for leadership and civic participation on campus. We also provide an opportunity for leadership in the regional, state, and national levels to support and advocate for resources that increase academic achievement, student success, and campus community engagement. ASO currently has Senator positions available, click here to download the application and join today.

Make sure to check this page often for updates. Do you like social media better? You can follow us on our official InstagramTwitter, and YouTube accounts!

Useful Links

  • Coming Events & News
  • Free Tutoring: In -Person & 24 hours Online
  • Grocery Giveaway Event Schedule

WLAC Pop-Up Food Pantry

Students in-need are invited to pick up free groceries every other Thursday during the Fall and Spring semesters and on announced dates in the Summer and Winter. View schedule.

In addition to the College Food Pantry located in CE 105A, the Office of Basic Needs also operates the College Wardrobe providing free professional attire

Past Events

Spring 2022 Upcoming Events

Black Lives Matter

WLAC Stands With You.

If your heart is heavy from the racist violence that occurred in Buffalo, New York, reach out for free telehealth counseling services with our health partner Via Care.

Call (323) 268-9191
You must mention that you're a West Student.

Black Lives Matter Flayer

Event Armenian Day Flayer

Armenia Republic Day

Wednesday, May 25, 2022
11:30am – 2:30pm
Location: Los Angeles City College, Main Quad
Free Parking: Lot 1 & 2
Please feel free to invite your families and friends to this celebratory event.

The event will include:

  • Unveiling of the Certificate Announcement Banner
  • Traditional Armenian Dancers
  • Armenian Artsakh Market
  • Face painting, bubbles, and craft zone for kids
  • Free food, coffee, and pastries
  • Traditional Armenian Music

Sponsored by:
LACC Office of Student Life; LACC's Race, Equity, & Social Justice Center; the LACC Foundation; and the LACC Associated Student Government.
For questions please contact Dr. Armineh Dereghishian at @email.

Office Hours and Location

In Person
Mondays to Wednesdays: 9:00AM - 5:00PM

Location: CE 101 & 105A


Edna Chavarry, M.A., J.D.
Phone: (310) 287-4429