Young Person at the Admission Window

Admissions & Records Information

First Time Students


Who May Apply

  • Anyone who is 18 years old or older
  • Students who have earned a high school diploma
  • Students under 18, who have not earned a high school diploma (see special instructions) link to high school page

NOTE: Neither California residency nor US Citizenship are required to apply


How to Get Started

Video Instructions

This video will walk you through getting started here at West including how to complete the application online.


Written Instructions


High School Graduates & Persons 18 years and older
If you are not currently enrolled in WLAC, or have not registered for classes for two consecutive semesters (Fall and Spring), complete the Application online. This can be done from any computer or mobile device with internet access or from a campus computer. Expect to receive a Welcome Letter that includes a student ID number. You will need the ID number to proceed to Step #2.

Graduating High School Students
If you have taken WLAC courses within the past year, you must complete a High School Graduation Update Form and submit a copy of your high school diploma or transcripts to the Admissions Office.


Log into your SIS Account and review your TO DO CHECKLIST to access the New Student Orientation. It presents important information for students and helps satisfy a requirement to earn Priority Registration. Welcome Center staff are available to assist you.

  • Orientation
  • Match to Appropriate Campus Services
  • Financial Aid Processing
  • Initial Counseling, Education Plan & Assistance Selecting Classes

Your may be eligible for fee waivers, grants and other financial aid to cover college expenses. To receive the best aid package, file your Free Application for Federal Aid (FAFSA) between the beginning of January and March... learn more

When you submit your enrollment application, you will receive a student ID number and email address. You will need to sign on to the online Student Information System portal (SIS) to find the date of your Registration Appointment. This is the first day you may register for classes. You may register any time after your registration date until the first day of classes. It is recommended that you register as early as many classes fill quickly.

Register for classes online from any computer or mobile device with internet access. You may also use computers in the Welcome Center or Library / Learning Center.

PRE-REQUISITES across all subjects are being ENFORCED... learn more about prerequisite enforcement

You may pay your fees with a credit card when you register online. You may also pay with cash, check, debit or credit card at the Business Office on the second floor of the Student Services Building (SSB). FEES ARE DUE WHEN YOU REGISTER.

This is the best time to get your Student ID, Parking Pass, and Books. It is also the right time to sign-up for any special programs, including EOP&S, TRIO or the Transfer Honors Program. Also, visit the University Transfer Center - SSB 3rd Floor.