Man at His Graduation

WLAC Puente Project

Student Interest Form

Click below to complete the 2024-2025 Puente Student Interest Form

Apply Now

What is the Puente Project?

The Puente Project at West Los Angeles College is a program designed to aid under served and underrepresented students achieve academic success. This is obtained through an interdisciplinary program, known as the Puente Model, that includes Academic Counseling, English courses, and Mentoring by community leaders. The Puente Model is designed to guide the student in earning degrees, transfer in four-year colleges and universities, and create leaders and mentors of their communities and future generations.

Much like its namesake, The Puente Project aims at building and facilitating a bridge for students between their college and four-year universities by creating a sense of Familia (which is Spanish for Family). In creating a West LA familia, the Puente Project wishes to build a nurturing learning environment that fosters not only academic growth and success but also personal achievement and community connection.

What do I gain from joining the Puente Project?

With the help and guidance of Puente Project representatives, students gain access to exclusive benefits:

  • Access to your own Puente counselor
  • Ensures transfer readiness
  • Provides career exploration and Student Education Plan development
  • Builds confidence in writing skills
  • Provides tours of UC, CSU, and private universities
  • Provides leadership development, enrichment opportunities, and ongoing support
  • And much more!

How do I join the Puente Project?

In order to join the Puente Project at WLAC, students must meet the following Fall eligibility requirements:

  • Eligible for English 101
  • Enroll in Counseling 040
  • Participate in Puente Events/Activities
  • Desire to Transfer to a 4-Year University

Attend a Puente Orientation

Each student must attend a Puente Orientation prior to beginning the program.

In-Person Hours

Tuesday/Thursday: 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM

Virtual Hours

Monday: 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Tuesday/Thursday: 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Friday: 8:00 AM - 11:00 AM

Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday: Closed

(Hours are subject to change particularly in Summer and Winter)




Puente Coordinators
Leslie Tejada
Phone: 310.287.4254
Office: GC 280K

Iliana Limas
Phone: 310.287.4545
Office: HLRC (library) 123

Social Media
Coming Soon!