Career 2 College students at graduation

College to Career Program

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College to Career is a program at West Los Angeles College, housed within the Disabled Students Program and Services (DSPS) department, which supports the learning needs and employment goals of individuals with an intellectual disability.

The C2C is a program for individuals who wish to become college students or for current students enrolled in college courses at West Los Angeles College. The program supports education related to employment goals, with a strong focus on building skills leading to employment by the completion of the program and ability to work, with decreasing support, in an independent, integrated placement following the C2C program. The College to Career program is funded by Department of Rehabilitation.

Opportunities for C2C Students:

  • Individualized educational assistance
  • Case management/team meetings
  • Career exploration
  • Campus navigation
  • Integrated, community based instruction
  • Employment preparation
  • Volunteer/internship work experiences
  • Be an active part of the campus and your community.

C2C students must be:

  • At least 18 years of age
  • Have a documented diagnosis of an Intellectual Disability.
  • Be a client of a California Regional Center.
  • Be a Department of Rehabilitation participant (or eligible to become a Department of Rehabilitation participant)
  • Able to provide or access transportation to and from West Los Angeles College and willingness to learn to travel independently to potential work sites.
  • Be able to understand and interact with college level material independently, be able to attend classes independently, complete work, and other program related activities regularly.
  • Be able to respond to appropriate questions, follow directions, and demonstrate potential to benefit from the C2C Program.
  • Possess necessary documentation in order to work (social security card, Green card, etc.)
  • Can benefit from the college experience with a focus on gainful employment.

In addition, students most qualified to participate in C2C have:

  • Motivation to work and attend college
  • A desire to obtain permanent, integrated paid employment
  • A commitment to spending on average 25 hours per week devoted to school related to activities, such as:
    • Classes
    • Homework
    • Accessing support services (tutoring, counseling, financial aid, seminars, etc.)
    • Mandatory meetings with C2C program staff

Referrals can be made to you by your:

  1. DSPS counselor
  2. Regional Center Coordinator or
  3. Department of Rehabilitation counselor.

Program enrollment is limited each year. Participants admitted to the program based on eligibility, intake interviews, and the decision of the C2C Coordinator. All decisions made are final.


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Phone: (310) 287-4439

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