Support West Los Angeles College

Foundation Logo

How to Give

Give Today

Check or money order. Mail to:
WLAC Foundation
9000 Overland Ave.
Culver City, CA 90230

How to Make a Gift via Securities / Wire Transfer

Life Insurance Policy
Designate West LA College Foundation as the beneficiary of your life insurance policy and build on your legacy of giving.

Stocks and Bonds
Gift the West LA College Foundation shares of stock or bonds.

Estate Planning
Bequest, Charitable Remainder Trusts, and Gift Annuities. Make a transformative gift by utilizing estate planning tools to leave an indelible mark on West Los Angeles College. You can stretch your gift and maximize your donation in ways you never thought possible.

Suggested Bequest Language

To include the West Los Angeles College Foundation in your estate plan, consult your attorney and consider the following language:

Specific Bequest
Bequest of a Specific Dollar Amount:
“I hereby give, devise, and bequeath $_____ to West Los Angeles College Foundation, a nonprofit organization located at 9000 Overland Avenue Culver City, CA 90230, Federal Tax ID # 23-7351797, for its general use and purposes.”

A donation of art can teach students about the arts and serve to beautify the aesthetics of West Los Angeles College facilities.

Payroll Deductions.
Sign up today with your employer to make a monthly tax-deductible contribution. Use the FORM to sign up if you are an LACCD employee.

Employer Matching Gifts
Most employers will match 1:1 an employee’s donation to a charitable organization. Inquire with your employer today and double your contribution.

Create a Legacy

For more information or to notify us of your planned bequest, please reach out. We would love the opportunity to thank you and recognize your generosity.

Phone:  (310) 737-2408 / (310) 287-4537


Your legacy can empower students and transform lives for generations to come. Thank you for considering a bequest to the West Los Angeles College Foundation.

Where to Give:

  • Basic Needs. Support safety net services for students who are food and housing insecure.
  • Student Success. Help students reach their academic potential and achieve their goal of receiving an AA degree, transferring to a 4-year university or earning a certificate program to increase their earning potential.
  • Social Justice. Close the education and equity gap among 1st generation, underrepresented and low-income students.
  • Where the Need is Greatest. Support institutional priorities, and expand the reach of the College in areas that support a 21st century educational experience for students.