Tutor Teaching His Student

Short-Term Job and Career Trainings

The College and Career Prep Division in partnership with our other CTE divisions, is facilitating enrollment for new and returning students who are seeking short-term job and career training that will result in employment upon successful completion.

  1. First, you will join the FREE preparatory courses, that will provide you with all the enrollment support and exposure to your desired Career Pathway.
  2. You will then start the Job/Career Training of your choice.
  3. You will then be provided employment assistance by our Career Connections Center once you successfully complete the training.


Step 1: Identify your Training and the recommended prep/support classes

Job/Career Training Programs
Note: The classes listed under "Recommended Prep Classes" column are highly recommended classes for you to enroll and take prior to the start of your career/job training program to be better prepared. You can explore all of these options with an academic counselor or by clicking on the link below.

Credit Learning and Career Paths
Note: At West Los Angeles College, you can also complete an Associate Degree and/or university transfer program. You can explore all of these options with an academic counselor or in the link above.

Step 2: Fill out Short-term Training Form

This will let us know your Desired Training Option, and we will email you the classes being offered in the Spring 2021 and instructions on how to search and enroll through your student portal.

High School students, see additional application steps below.

Step 3: Apply to West Los Angeles College

If you need application assistance, please join the zoom meeting and one our Learning Center staff will be ready to assist https://laccd.zoom.us/j/98299074743, please refer to our hours of operation below.

Note: You will receive an email with your LACCD ID# within 2-5 business days. If you do not receive this email, please contact the Admissions Office at @email & or through live chat.

Step 4: Enroll in our Classes

How to Enroll
If you need enrollment assistance, please join the zoom meeting and one our Learning Center staff will be ready to assist https://laccd.zoom.us/j/98299074743, please refer to our hours of operation below.

How to Find Important Dates
Note: As part of your noncredit summer classes, you will complete your financial aid application (FAFSA), College Promise application and join other special programs & get a Student Ed Plan when you see a counselor.

Step 5: Attend Class!

  • All WLAC Online/Hybrid classes will be taught using the Canvas course management system. Please be aware that you may not be able to access your courses until the official start date of the term. Instructors need to publish their courses in order for you to see and have access to them.
  • If this is your first time taking an online class, please check out the following resource pages Course Login Info, For Students, Canvas Guides. We also recommend enrolling in BSICSKL 105CE - Student Success in Online & Hybrid Classes.

Adults Attending a High School Completion or Equivalency Program

If you are an adult who is enrolled and attending a high school diploma completion or equivalency program and want to enroll in college credit classes for free under dual enrollment (SB 554), then you must complete this form every semester/session in addition to maintaining an active application in CCCApply.


The goal of SB 554 is to expose adult students enrolled in a high school diploma completion or high school equivalency programs to college credit courses, and support their transition to post-secondary level coursework, college and career degrees and certificates, and courses that will qualify them to transfer to four-year universities. As there are many college credit courses that count towards a college certificate, degree or transfer AND simultaneously count towards an adult high school diploma, completing these courses can save students time and money towards completing their high school diploma and college and career goals.

It is critical that eligible adult students who wish to enroll in college credit courses, do so through the adult dual enrollment program so they do not inadvertently disqualify themselves from the LA College Promise program, which currently provides first-time adult college credit students free tuition and many other benefits for two years.


Eligible adult students must be a California residents for 366 consecutive days before the start of the term, be 16 years or older, without a high school diploma or equivalent (HiSet or GED), and are enrolled in a high school diploma or equivalency program at an adult school or noncredit community college program. Eligible adult students cannot be enrolled in a high school or be in possession of a U.S. high school diploma or equivalent (HiSet or GED).

Form Completion Process Steps (PDF)


If you are a High School Student, follow the additional steps:
Make sure you follow Steps 1, 2, & 3 from the instructions above

If you already have an LACCD ID# and have taken an LACCD college course within the last year (Summer 2020, Fall 2020, Winter 2021, Spring 2021), you can skip this step. If not, you must:

Need help applying? Sign-up here for a group application workshop via zoom!
Upcoming Application Workshops: Tuesdays 3:30-4:30pm

Note: You will receive an email with your LACCD ID# 2-5 business days after completing the online application to West LA College. If you do not receive this email within this timeframe, please contact the Admissions Office at @email or live chat.

You must have an active LACCD ID# to complete this step. LACCD ID#s begin with 88 or 900 and are 9-digits long. Ex: 881234567 or 900123456.
Submit the Digital K-12 Form

Students, parents/guardians, and counselors must all create a dynamic forms account to digitally sign the form. Follow the instructions and video linked above.

Need help with the Digital K-12? Sign-up here for a group K-12 workshop via zoom!
Upcoming Digital K-12 Workshops: Wednesdays 3:30-4:30pm

Note: K-12 forms will be processed within 5-10 business days. Incomplete forms or forms with errors will not be processed. If your form has not been processed within this timeframe, please contact the Admissions Office at @email or live chat.

You must have an active LACCD ID# and a processed K-12 Form in order to complete this step
Enroll at mycollege.laccd.edu

Need help enrolling? Sign-up here for a group enrollment workshop via zoom!
Upcoming Enrollment Workshops: Thursdays 3:30-4:30pm

Note: If the class has already started, you will need to request a permission number from the instructor. You can find instructor emails here.

You will receive access to Canvas within 24 hours of enrolling in the class

  • All WLAC Online/Hybrid classes will be taught using the Canvas course management system. Please be aware that you may not be able to access your courses until the official start date of the term. Instructors need to publish their courses in order for you to see and have access to them.
  • If this is your first time taking an online class, please check out the following resource pages Course Login Info, For Students, Canvas Guides. We also recommend enrolling in BSICSKL 105CE - Student Success in Online & Hybrid Classes.

Need Support?

Office Hours and Location

Mondays to Thursdays: 9:00AM - 6:45PM
Fridays: 9:00AM - 5:15PM
Live Zoom Assistance


Contact the Learning Resource Center
Email: @email
Phone: (310) 287-4404

Mondays to Thursdays: 8:30AM - 5:00PM
Fridays: 8:30AM - 1:00PM

Or call the Student Helpline:
General Support: (424) 371-7734