WLAC Main Building

Map, Parking & Transportation

Map Graphic of Campus

Click for Printable Map

Address Location

9000 Overland Avenue
Culver City, CA 90230
Two blocks south of Jefferson Blvd

Office Hours

Additional Entrance At:

10100 Jefferson Boulevard (North Entrance)
At College Blvd. between La Cienega and Overland

The college is conveniently reached from the 405 fwy, Sepulveda Blvd, La Cienega, Jefferson Blvd, or Slauson. See directions below.

Campus Locations

Get Started in the WELCOME CENTER in the TLC Building, 1st Floor

Department Office
Administrative Offices
  • Office of the President
  • VPs of Academic Affairs, Administration & Student Services
  • Academic Affairs
  • Human Resources
  • WLAC Foundation
SSB 4th Flr
Admissions (Registration) SSB 2nd Flr
Applied Tech Division (Aviation) AT-A / AT-B
Arts & Performances Division AT-A 115, FA 102
ASO (Associated Student Org) SSB 1st Flr
Athletics PECN
Aviation Tech Complex AT-A, AT-B, AT-C
Basic Needs (Food Pantry & Wardrobe) CE 105
Behavioral Science GC 380
Black Scholars United FA 102
Bookstore SSB 1st Flr
Business Division TLC, 2nd Flr
Business Office SSB 2nd Flr
CAFYES (Foster Youth) SSB 330
Calworks SSB 330
Cinema/Film Production WTSN
Counseling SSB 350
Child Development Center (Child Care) CDC
Computer Science Division TLC
Counseling SSB 350
Dental Hygiene MSB 101
Disabled Student Services SSB 320
Distance (Online) Learning HLRC 4th Flr
Dream Center SSB 1st Flr
Educational Opportunity Center TLC 2nd Flr
Financial Aid SSB 2nd Flr
Fine Arts Complex FA
Food Cafe (SSB 1st Flr), Bookstore & PAWs
Foster Care / Guardian Scholars SSB 330
Health Center (323) 268-9191
Health Sciences Division MSB 101
High School Outreach TLC 1st Flr (Welcome Center)
International Students TLC 130
Kinesiology / PE Division PEC
Language Arts Division GC 280
Learning Center HLRC 1st Flr
Library HLRC 2nd Flr
Mathematics Division MSB 214
Science Division MSB 211
Sheriff’s Office (Campus Security) TLC 1st Flr
Social Science Division GC 380
Student Services - Administrative Office CE 1st Flr
Talent Search EOC 2nd Flr
Transfer Center SSB 340
TRIO Student Support Services CE 106B
Tutoring Center HLRC 1st Flr
Upward Bound TLC 2nd Flr
Upward Bound - Math Science TLC 2nd Flr
Veterans Center FA 300
Welcome Center TLC 1st Floor
Women’s PE PECS


  • A - A Building
  • AT-A/-B/-C - Aviation Technology Complex
  • B - Bungalows
  • C - C Building
  • CDC - Child Development Center
  • CE - Career Education
  • FA - Fine Arts
  • GC - General Classrooms
  • HLRC - Library
  • MSA/B - Math & Science Complex
  • PECN/S - Physical Educaiton Complex
  • SSB - Student Services Building
  • TLC - Technology Learning Center
  • WTSN - Watson Building


Take the San Diego (405) Freeway north. Exit at Jefferson Blvd. Turn right onto Jefferson, and proceed straight crossing Sepulveda. The street name will change to Playa. Where Playa curves north about 1/4 mile farther, it becomes Overland Ave. Proceed north on Overland past two stop signs. The next light is Freshman Drive. Turn right onto the campus.

Take the San Diego (405) Freeway south. Exit at Jefferson Blvd. Turn left onto Jefferson, and proceed straight crossing Sepulveda. The street name will change to Playa. Where Playa curves north about 1/4 mile farther, it becomes Overland Ave. Proceed north on Overland past two stop signs. The next light is Freshman Drive. Turn right onto the campus.

Take the Santa Monica (10) Freeway west. Exit at Overland Ave. Turn left, and proceed south on Overland about 5 miles. Continue past Jefferson Blvd. and make a left turn at the second signal, Freshman Drive.

Take Slauson west to Hannum (by Fox Hills Mall, 1 block east of Sepulveda) and turn right. Make a right at Playa. Playa curves north and becomes Overland Ave. Proceed north on Overland past two stop signs. The next light is Freshman Drive. Turn right onto the campus.

Turn west on to Rodeo. Rodeo becomes Jefferson Blvd. Then, turn left on to College Blvd. which brings you on to the campus.

Disabled Access


  • Disabled parking is available in most WLAC parking lots.

Access Transportation Vehicles

  • may drop students off near the Culver City Bus stop in front of the Student Services Building (SSB).

On-Campus Shuttle 

  • West LA College will launch our campus shuttle in partnership with a third-party operator to support students with mobility impairments starting August 26, 2024. The shuttle will run between 6:30 am - 10:30 pm Monday – Friday, and Saturday between 11:00 am - 3:00 pm. 

UBER / LYFT / Taxi Drop Off


Enter campus from Overland. Turn right on to Albert Vera (at the baseball field). At B Street, TURN RIGHT and drop off at bench.