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Student Guide to SLOs

As a new student at West Los Angeles College, you are now officially an engaged learner. There are many things that this institution expects you to achieve, both personally and professionally. One of the many positive expectations we have for you is that with every course and program of study that you come in contact with, you will attain a reward or will achieve outcomes that you will keep with you as you move on in your life and in your career. These outcomes are called Student Learning Outcomes or SLOs. The purpose of this webpage is to make you become more aware of your learning and to become more reflective as you pursue your goals here at West.

SLOs are attained at different levels at WLAC. As a student here, you will encounter Institutional Student Learning Outcomes or ISLOs, Program Learning Outcomes or PSLOs and Course Student Learning Outcomes or CSLOs. Institutional Student Learning Outcomes describe knowledge, skills, abilities and attitudes that a student can demonstrate upon the completion of the entire learning experience at West. Program Student Learning Outcomes describe knowledge, skills, abilities and attitudes that a student can demonstrate upon the completion of a particular degree or certificate and Course Student Learning Outcomes describe knowledge, skills, abilities and attitudes that a student can demonstrate upon the completion of a particular course.

These SLOs build on each other over time. For instance, after completion of your first course at West, you may attain up to three or more outcomes. By the time you complete all the courses in a program you'll have many more. After graduation and the attainment of an associate degree, exposure to all three levels of SLOs will have taken place and you will be moving ahead with general skills, knowledge, and the mastery of subjects that have been set for you!

You will notice that course SLOs are listed in each course syllabus that you are given. Your may also hear from your instructor about these SLOs during the semester and you are encouraged to ask about them as you may need additional clarification. Every year the college assesses all levels of these outcomes to ensure that you continue to achieve these outcomes satisfactorily and that our courses are strengthened over time. This webpage has been designed specifically to inform West students about SLOs and to provide you with a comprehensive and quick way to view them.

SLOs in Service Areas

The college provides many services to help facilitate student learning on campus and because of this, the Student Services Division has developed additional SLOs or Service Level Outcomes. These outcomes are created and assessed by staff and managers of the units and areas. They inform planning and lead to goals of improved support services. As a student at West, you can encounter these types of outcomes in the form of surveys or questionnaires. To view the Service Level Outcomes developed for students at West.


Student Equity Dashboard

Course enrollments, course retention and success at college-level, division-level, and subject-level. Compare two different ethnic groups to overall college average and automatically calculates number of additional successful enrollments needed to close equity gaps.

Awards Dashboard

Number of degrees and certificates awarded. Awards data provided at college-level, division-level, and program-level. Division-level and program-level award counts disaggregated by gender, ethnicity, age, and special populations.

Course Enrollment Dashboard

Number of sections, total enrollments, and average class size at college-level, division-level, discipline-level, and course-level. Enrollment data disaggregated by method of instruction and dual enrollment status.

Student Factbook Dashboard

Student demographics data including enrollment status, unit load, special populations, and financial aid status. Student data disaggregated by home campus, gender, ethnicity, age, and credit/non-credit status.

Early Momentum KPIs Dashboard

Performance data on early momentum key performance indicators (KPIs). Metrics are one-year measures of early indicators of progress toward longer term student success goals.

Data Mart

Data Mart provides information about students, courses, student services, outcomes, faculty and staff. The emphasis is to answer the questions of administrators, educators, parents, students, state leaders and professional organizations.

Student Centered Funding Formula Dashboard

The Student Centered Funding Formula (SCFF) was adopted in the 2018–19 state budget as a new way to allocate funding to community college districts. The SCFF provides funding that supports access through enrollment-based funding, student equity by targeting funds to districts serving low-income students, and student success by providing districts with additional resources for student’s successful outcomes.

Transfer Level Gateway Completion Dashboard

The Transfer-Level Gateway Completion dashboard provides completion rates of transfer-level English, mathematics (or equivalent quantitative reasoning course), and credit ESL starting from students’ first course enrollment in the discipline (whether at or below transfer-level).

Chancellor’s Office Student Success Metrics

To provide a holistic approach to the California community colleges’ work on student success, the Chancellor’s Office worked with a broadly representative group of practitioners to develop Student Success Metrics. Organized around common goals such as adult education/ESL, short-term career education, and degree/transfer, the metrics capture progression along students’ educational journey from recruitment to completion, transfer, and the workforce. Student Success Metrics pinpoint critical milestones and accomplishments that align with the Vision for Success and the Student Centered Funding Formula, and integrate metrics associated with various initiatives and funding streams.

Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS)

The Data Feedback Report is intended to provide institutions a context for examining the data they submitted to IPEDS. The purpose of this report is to provide institutional executives a useful resource and to help improve the quality and comparability of IPEDS data WLAC to CSU Transfer WLAC to UC Transfer WLAC to In-State Private or Out of State Transfer College Student Factbook Annual College Profile.