student with graduation cap that reads "Dreamer"

Dream Resource Center

Dream Center Home


Know Your Rights - Information from LACCD

Our Mission

The Dream Resource Center seeks to serve undocumented, and housing/food insecure students with information and resources. These resources are intended to promote college access, persistence, completion and transfer by creating a safe and supportive environment, building leadership skills, promoting equity as well as civic and community engagement.

We seek to promote an inclusive campus culture that empowers our students to achieve their academic and personal pursuits and become active members of our communities.

We believe that students deserve the right to learn, be healthy and pursue their dreams regardless of personal circumstances; such as: gender, immigration status, sexual orientation, and race etc.


Take advantage of campus events including fun activities, transfer and life skill workshops, career information sessions, Wildcat games, grocery giveaways and more.


Grocery giveaway events, sponsored by the ASO and college Basic Needs Office, are held twice each month @email.


Get Financial Assistance for DACA Filing Fees.

For more information, click on the DACA Filing Fee Fund flyer.

Office Hours and Location

Live Chat
Dream Center Online Chat
Fall Hours:
Monday and Wednesday 9:00AM - 11:30AM

In Person
Fall Hours:
Monday to Thursday: 9:00AM - 5:00PM                                                Friday: Remotely 

Location: SSB 110


Maria Mancia
Email: @email
Phone: (310) 287-4310 or (310) 287-4530