students in Anatomy class


About Anatomy

ANATOMY is the study of the structure of the human body by subdividing it into individual body systems. The Science Division offers multiple sections of Anatomy 1 each fall and spring semester along with limited sections during the winter and summer semester. Anatomy 1 is designed to meet the requirements of students majoring in nursing, dental hygiene, occupational therapy, psychology, physical education and life sciences, and for students who wish to expand their knowledge of the human body beyond the scope of introductory biology.

Anatomy 1 can be taken as part of the Associate of Arts Degree in Biology - Health Science Option.


Programs Offered

Degree & Course Descriptions and Requirements

LEARN MORE about careers related to Anatomy.


Elisa Atti
Bryon Curletto, Course Advisor

(310) 287-4218
Office Location
Office Hours

STEM - Science Technology Engineering & Math

Associate in Arts Degree in Biology

Health Science Option (21 units, Plan A)

The Health Science option of the Associate in Arts Degree in Biology provides an orientation to the health sciences while including the general background required for the fields of nursing, dental hygiene, respiratory therapy, physical therapy, and other health fields.

Students who wish to obtain an Associate degree in Biology (Health Science Option) may do so by completing the course requirements listed below plus all other WLAC requirements for an Associate degree.


  • ANATOMY 1 Introduction to Human Anatomy (4 units)
  • BIOLOGY 3 Introduction to Biology -Bio 3A & Bio 3B (4 units)
  • CHEM 51 Fundamentals of Chemistry I (5 Units) OR
  • CHEM 60 Introduction to General Chemistry (5 units)
  • MICRO 20 General Microbiology (4 units)
  • PHYSIOL 1 Introduction to Human Physiology (4 units)


  • CHEM 101 General Chemistry I (5 units)
  • PSYCH 1 General Psychology I (3 units)
  • SOC 1 Introduction to Sociology (3 units) OR
  • SOC 2 American Social Problems (3 units) OR
  • ANTHRO 102 Human Ways of Life: Cultural Anthropology (3 units)

NOTE: Always review requirements of the institution to which you plan to transfer.

Class Description

1 Introduction to Human Anatomy (4) UC:CSU

This course presents the structure of the human body by subdividing it into individual body systems. The functional anatomy of each level of organization is then studied from the microscopic level of organization to the gross level. In addition, the embryological development of each body system and selected pathologies will be examined. Laboratory exercises include the study of histological slides, photomicrographs, x-rays, the human skeleton, and the dissection of a cat. This course is intended to meet the requirements of students majoring in nursing, dental hygiene, occupational therapy, psychology, physical education and life sciences, or for those who wish to extend their knowledge of the human body beyond the scope of introductory biology.

Textbook: please contact your professor for their recommended textbooks

Some previously recommended textbooks:

  • Human Anatomy & Physiology, 10th edition. Elaine N. Marieb and Katja N. Hoehn. Pearson Publishing. 2015
  • Human Anatomy & Physiology Laboratory Manual, Cat Version, 12th edition. Elaine N. Marieb and Lori A. Smith. Pearson Publishing. 2015
  • Human Anatomy, 8th edition. Elaine N. Marieb and Patricia Brady Wilhelm. Pearson Publishing. 2016
  • Human Anatomy, 5th edition. Michael McKinley. McGraw-Hill Higher Education. 2016

Pre-requisite/Co-requisite: Biology 3, Biology 3A/3B or college-level biology
Recommended: Medical Terminology; English 28 or 100; college-level mathematics
Transfer: UC/CSU

Anatomy student looking at leg bone