man being interviewed in business office

Business & Business Administration


(Also See Management -Small Business)
The Associate of Arts degree in Business is primarily designed for vocational education and workforce training/development. The curriculum is not aligned with course requirements for transfer to a specific major at a four-year college or university.

Students interested in transferring to a four-year college or university with a major in Business Administration or other Business-related major may consider the Associate of Arts degree in Business Administration. Students should consult the Transfer Center or the Counseling Office for major preparation and general education requirements of the particular transfer institution of their choice.

The Associate of Arts degree in Business provides a broad background of business knowledge which can be applied in most businesses.


Programs Offered

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Business Administration

(Also See Management -Small Business)
The Associate of Arts degree in Business Administration includes coursework that aligns with specific lower-division major requirements for Business Administration and related majors at various universities within the University of California (UC) and California State University (CSU) systems.

Students are encouraged to visit the Transfer Center for complete information regarding transfer requirements for the institution of their choice. Students interested in transfer are also encouraged to consult the Counseling Office for individualized educational planning.

Career opportunities in Business Administration are available for multiple professions including accounting managers, stockbrokers, financial consultants, insurance brokers, marketing managers and computer specialists. In addition, a prospective professor of business may get a start in the associate and baccalaureate programs in business administration.