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Chicana/o Studies


At West, we acknowledge that Chicana/o Studies emerged as one of four disciplines that were cultivated by the grassroots and organizational efforts from the U.S. Civil Rights Movements of the 1960s and 1970s. Chicana/o Studies at West focuses on the U.S. population of Mexican origin as well as other ethnic and racialized groups, such as Central Americans and Indigenous people. Our curriculum is rooted in empowering students through interdisciplinary and social justice frameworks centered around race, gender, sexuality, and class paradigms which address and analyze the experiences of Chicanas/os and Latinas/os.


What Are the Major and Degree Requirements? 

3 required courses: 
  • Chicano Studies 02: The Mexican American in Contemporary Society (3 units) 
  • Chicano Studies 47: The Mexican American Woman in Society (3 units) 
  • Sociology 11: Race and Ethnic Relations (3 units) 

3 elective courses as determined by degree pathway. Please consult your academic counselor to assist with your WLAC educational plan.

Clare Norris-Bell
Dr. Sandra Ruiz, Ph.D., Faculty Contact
Prof. Felipe Agredano, Faculty Contac
Office Location
GC 280
Office Hours

Arts & Humanities

What Can I Do with A Chicana/o Studies Major and Degree? 

One of the benefits of majoring and earning a degree in Chicana/o Studies is that you can adapt it to multiple fields and professions, such as: 
  • Research and Education: Primary and Secondary Education, Language Services, Archivist, Community Education, Student Affairs, Higher Education Administration 
  • Policy and Advocacy: Government, Economics, Fundraising/Development, Immigration, Grant Writing, Policy Development, Community Outreach 
  • Arts and Publishing: Creative Writing, Journalism, Research and Analysis, Broadcasting, Museum Studies, Arts Programming, Art History 
  • Public and Human Services: Counseling, Diversity & Inclusion, Mental & Public Health Services, Case Management, Social Work, Program Management, Community Relations, Administration 
  • Business and Industry: International Business & Development, Management, Logistics, Labor Relations, Training, Human Resources