Certificates Offers
- Creative Leadership: 2 Courses
- Creativity in the Workplace: 2 Courses
Courses Offered
BSIC SKL 070 CE INNOVATION: Igniting Creativity at Work
This course provides a foundation and framework for innovation in the discipline of creativity. Emphasis is placed on understanding what constitutes creativity and innovation, the evolution of creativity and innovation and their influence, and the importance of innovation and new ideas in today's organizational environments.
The generation and implementation of new and valuable ideas has been the lifeblood of our society. Without incremental improvements and disruptive innovation we would have no progress. This course provides a foundation in the study of creativity and a framework for the science of innovation. We define creativity and explore who is innovative and why. We will study the evolution of innovation over time and the influence it has had on the modern workplace, education and society. Students will identify the characteristics and habits that increase creative output and innovation. The course will also examine the barriers to innovative thinking and students will relate these to their own experiences. Students will also learn a basic process for innovation and apply creative thinking tools to their own development.
BSIC SKL 072CE: The Creative Edge: Outstanding Leadership
In this course, students learn and master the Creative Problem Solving process as leaders. Students will apply and facilitate the process in a variety of leadership settings. According to the 2017 Bloomberg Report, creativity is the number one trait CEOs seek in future leaders. Clearly, successful leaders must be creative to adapt to change and to inspire. We are told we need to be effective critical and creative thinkers to lead, yet have rarely been exposed to tools and techniques to help us cultivate our creativity. This course teaches the Creative Problem Solving Process for creativity and innovation. Students will learn the process by using the tools on their own challenges and facilitating the process with others. An emphasis is placed on learning by doing in this class with significant time dedicated to practicing all stages of the process and the affective skills required to master them.
BSIC SKL 076CE: Successful Innovation and Creativity in the Workplace
BSIC SKL 079CE: Creativity, Innovation and Leadership
Leadership requires vision. Effective leaders are able to set a vision and effectively navigate the change required to deliver. This course explores parallel theories of leadership and creativity. Students will develop an individualized vision statement and design a personal action plan.