people reviewing economics report


The Associate of Arts Degree

Economics includes coursework that aligns with specific lower-division major requirements for the Economics major at various universities within the University of California (UC) and California State University (CSU) systems.

Students interested in transferring to a four-year college or university with a major in Economics may also consider the Associate of Arts degree in Liberal Arts and Sciences (Behavioral and Social Sciences emphasis).

Students are encouraged to visit the Transfer Center for complete information regarding transfer requirements for the institution of their choice. Students interested in transfer are also encouraged to consult the Counseling Office for individualized educational planning.


Program Offered

Olga Shewfelt
Dr. Meric Keskinel, Course Advisor
(310) 287-4227
Office Location
Office Hours



Career Options

Economics majors can work in almost any area because they should graduate able to:

  • Analytically and critically solve complex problems
  • Be skilled in observation and inference from data, and
  • Be adept at written and oral presentation techniques

Economics majors also build skills in manipulating numerical data, developing budgets, cost analysis, applying quantitative analysis, evaluating policies, and summarizing data. Typical career paths are in Business, Banking & Finance, Economic Development, Entrepreneurship, Federal Reserve Public Finance, Government, Healthcare, International Trade, Law, Marketing & Retail, Public Policy, Teaching, and Urban Planning.