medical office

Health Occupation


Health Sciences Division now offers Health Occupation Courses with electronic certificates that are recognized by the Healthcare Industry and Los Angeles City of Chambers.

Programs Offered




HLTHOCC 62 Skill Set for the Healthcare Professional (2 units)

This course is an introduction of the concepts and skills that serve as a foundation for the healthcare professions. Topics include hygiene and safety, infection control, basic client monitoring and basic first aid, therapeutic communication and basic health documentation.

HLTHOCC 63 Basic Medical Terminology, Pathophysiology and Pharmacology for the Healthcare Professional (2 units)

This basic medical language course will discuss common diseases and injuries and their pharmacological treatment using medical terminology in English and Spanish, when appropriate.

HLTHOCC 64 Cultural and Legal Topic for Healthcare Professionals (1 units)

This course provides an overview of the concepts of health and illness, cultural diversity and legal issues that affect the healthcare professional.

HLTHOCC 65 Fundamentals for the Healthcare Professional (2.5 units)

This course explores career options in the healthcare industry, healthy behavior for healthcare workers, work ethics, professional resumes and interviewing skills and personality traits of a healthcare professional. There will be an externship during which area employers will introduce students to direct and indirect patient care opportunities.

Carlos Sermano
(310) 287-4464
Office Location
MSB 1st Floor
Office Hours

Health Science

Health Science

Health Science Foundation Credential

Students who complete all four health occupation courses earn a Health Science Foundation Credential and can go on to enroll in another healthcare program of study offered by LACCD.

Los Angeles Community College District (LACCD) Healthcare Programs of Study

  • Athletic Training and Sports Medicine
  • Community and Other Health Aides (CNA, Home Health Aide, Geriatric Care Technician, Community Health Worker, Cares Givers, Patient Navigators)
  • Dental Technician
  • Dental Assistant
  • Emergency Medical Technician
  • Health Information Technology (Health Information Coding Specialists, Medical Billing Assistant, Medical Office Assistant)
  • Medical Assistant: Administrative and Clinical
  • Medical and Clinical Lab Technician (including Sterile Processing Tech)
  • Pharmacy Technician
  • Radiological Technician
  • Registered Nursing (including LVN to RV Bridge)
  • Respiratory Therapy

Earn College Credits & Digital Badges!

The Los Angeles Healthcare Competencies to Careers Consortium (LAH3C) has created competency quizzes in 7 (seven) areas. Passing grades on any or all of these quizzes will earn a local employer recognized digital badge that can become part of your resume.

As a current student in one of the college’s healthcare pathways you are invited to take the quizzes and earn these digital badges. If you score 80-89% your digital badge rating will be Effective. If you score 90-100% the digital badge rating will be Highly Effective. If you do not score in either of these ranges or you want to try to achieve a higher category you may take one or more quizzes a second time.

Scores on the competency quizzes will not appear on your transcript and will not affect your course standing or financial aid.

This series of digital badges on your resume indicates to a prospective employer that you have achieved competency in:

  • Professionalism, Integrity, and Ethics
  • Customer Service, Compassion, and Empathy
  • Medical Terminology
  • Safety and Infection Control
  • Diversity and Cultural Awareness
  • Teamwork, Collaboration and Conflict Resolution
  • Assessment and First Aid (This digital badge is only available to 3rd and 4th semester nursing students because they have already demonstrated competency in first aid skills).

If you have any question, please contact us at 310 287 4464 and 310 287 7226.