Library Science Courses


Library Science courses are ideal ways to accomplish several objectives:

  • Learn about valuable research resources and strategies and when and how to use them
  • Develop lifelong Information Competency skills
  • Add a transfer unit for UC or CSU
  • Experience the convenience of a short-term or online course
  • Fulfill Financial Aid requirements



Here is a sampling of our courses (please consult the current schedule of classes for additional offerings and the college catalog for a full description of all offerings):

  • Library Science 101: Library Research (UC, CSU)
  • Library Science 102: Internet Research (UC, CSU)
  • Library Sicence 103: Information Literacy (UC, CSU)
  • Library Science 104: Advanced Internet Research (CSU)

For individual Course Student Learning Outcomes (SLO) see the college's SLO home page or the instructor's syllabus

Susan Trujillo
(310) 287-4406
Office Location
HLRC (Library)
Office Hours

Library Science

Arts & Humanities

Library Science Program SLOs

  1. Formulate search strategies for conducting research on a specific topic
  2. Use research tools and databases to conduct searches for academic and personal needs
  3. Produce bibliographic documentation using appropriate standard and style for research papers
  4. Evaluate information and its sources critically
  5. Understand the economic, legal, and social issues surrounding the use of information, and access and use information ethically and legally

Institutional SLOs adopted: A, B, C, E, F, H

  • A. Critical Thinking: Analyze problems by differentiating fact from opinions, using evidence, and using sound reasoning to specify multiple solutions and their consequences.
  • B. Communication: Effectively communicate thought in a clear, well-organized manner to persuade, inform, and convey ideas in academic, work, family and community settings.
  • C. Quantitative Reasoning: Identify, analyze, and solve problems that are quantitative in nature.
  • E. Civic Responsibility: Apply the principles of civility to situations in the contexts of work, family, community and the global world. Attend a court of law, school board, or community meeting, register to vote, and then give a written account of what you learned from the experience.
  • F. Technical Competence: Utilize the appropriate technology effectively for informational, academic, personal, and professional needs. Use competent technique in a musical performance.
  • H. Ethics: Practice and demonstrate standards of personal and professional integrity, honesty and fairness; apply ethical principles in submission of all college work.