Child Development

Program Overview

Child Development

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The Child Development program is designed for students who are interested in working with young children. The program centers on continuing experiences in a wide variety of pre-school settings and will also meet the needs of persons who are currently employed in pre-school centers, but who want to increase their professional skills. Young children are society's most valuable resource, and they must be nurtured with this judgment clearly inview. Students in the Child Development program strive to gain a deep understanding of the total development and potential of young children. The field is expanding, with excellent job opportunities existing throughout the nation.

The Child Development Program serves those entering and currently employed in the rapidly expanding field of Early Childhood Education. Students will be prepared to teach in pre-school programs, including private schools, children's centers, Head Start programs, parent cooperatives and parochial schools, as well as serving as educational aides in elementary schools. The Child Development Program at West Los Angeles College prepares those individuals who are interested in opening their own Child Care facility. The program also benefits anyone interested in understanding children, their development and their behavior.

All students must make an appointment for advisement in the Child Development Office (GC 180).


Programs Offered

Dolores Gallegos, Ed.D.
(310) 287-4446
Office Location
GC 180D
Office Hours


Behavorial and Social Sciences

Teacher Pathways Program

The Teacher Pathways program is designed to provide students with the support and preparation to successfully pursue a career in the teaching field

Specializations & Skill Certificates

For details on these specializations and certificates as well as the degree program, visit the college catalog.

  • 1305.00.....Child Development
  • 1305.13.....Administration and Supervision of Early Childhood Programs
  • 1305.20.....Health, Nutrition, Safety and Food Sanitation of Early Childhood Programs
  • 1305.13.....Infant and Toddler Studies
  • 1305.01.....Preschool Associate Teacher
  • 1305.01.....School Age Programs
  • 1305.20.....Special Needs Children

Also inquire about: Teacher/Private Pre-School; Director/Private Pre-School; Specialized Areas; Curriculum Development in Early Childhood Programs; Early Literacy Development; Observation, Assessment, and Guidance in Early Childhood Programs; Family Day Care Providers

Residency Requirements

There are residency requirements at West Los Angeles College for the awarding of skills certificates, certificate of achievement, and Associate of Arts Degree in child development:

Any student who has completed Child Development courses at colleges within the Los Angeles Community College District is eligible for a Child Development Skills Certificate, Certificate of Achievement, or an Associate of Arts Degree in Child Development at West Los Angeles College. However, there is a 12-unit residency requirement of coursework that must be completed at West Los Angeles College. These 12 units of coursework do not have to be in the field of Child Development.

Students who have taken courses outside the Los Angeles Community College District and are applying for one of the certificates or the degree must not only meet the 12-unit residency requirement, but must also meet the following additional requirements:

Students who are applying for a Skills Award, a Certificate of Achievement, or an Associate of Arts Degree in Child Development must complete a majority of the required coursework within the Los Angeles Community College District. Courses taken outside of the Los Angeles Community College District must be evaluated by the Department Chairperson.