4 students in different work settings

Credit for Prior Learning (CPL)

2024 Credit for Prior Learning Award

Credit for Prior Learning (CPL) is college credit awarded for validated college-level skills and knowledge gained outside of a college classroom. Credit for prior learning may be earned for eligible courses approved by the faculty for students who satisfactorily pass an authorized assessment. 

Authorized assessments may include the evaluation of approved external standardized examinations, military service/training, the evaluation of industry recognized credentials, student-created portfolios, and credit by examination. 



Credit for Prior Learning (CPL) is college credit awarded for validated college-level skills and knowledge gained outside of a college classroom. The credit that is earned through CPL must be approved by faculty through an assessment or proof of certification. 

Credit will be granted for the current semester in which the petition is requested. Email the completed and signed CPL petitions, along with any required documents to @email (see below for separate submission of official transcripts).


Types of Credit for Prior Learning

Click on the links below and follow the instructions:


Industry Certifications

(Active Licenses, Certificates, etc..)  




Credit by Examination

(Institutional Exam given by WLAC)




Standardized Exams 

Advanced Placement

International Baccalaureate

College Level Examination Program


Military Service or Training (Follow all 4 steps)

  1. Please go to https://jst.doded.mil/official.html and order online delivery of your official Joint Services Transcript (JST) and send to @email  We recommend you also send your online JST to transcripts@wlac.edu and to your personal email address (Total of 3 requests)
  2. Then complete the CPL petition https://www.wlac.edu/sites/wlac.edu/files/2023-11/final-cpl-petition-industry-certification-final%2011-27-23.pdf
  3. Please make sure to indicate whether you are eligible for any disability services/benefits as this impacts which counselor reviews your JST.
  4. Email your completed CPL petition to @email  


Student Created Portfolio

Under construction


Frequently Asked Question (FAQs)

What is Credit for Prior Learning or CPL?
Credit for Prior Learning or CPL is credit awarded for skills and knowledge gained outside of a traditional classroom. Many of our students come to us with years of life, work, and military training and experience. You can save time and money as you pursue your degree by earning credit for prior learning.

How do I get started?
To begin the Credit for Prior Learning (CPL) process, you should first review the CPL website to learn as much as possible about the different CPL methods and which might apply to you.

Is there a fee for CPL?
There is no cost for CPL.

Is there a limit to how many units of CPL I receive?
There is no limit of how many units you can earn through CPL, but please note that CPL units are not applicable towards minimum financial aid or veteran's minimum requirement.

Can I earn an Associate's Degree only with CPL?
Although you can successfully earn certificates, you still need 12 units in residence from the LACCD district to be awarded an Associate's Degree.

Does CPL transfer to CSU or UCs?
CPL can be awarded as units toward electives, LACCD general education areas, and CSU general education areas. It can also be awarded as course equivalency. The UC only accepts course equivalency by credit-by- exam.

Also refer to LACCD Board Policy BP 4235 and Administrative Procedure AP 4235.

Credit for Transfer to UC and CSU
UC and CSU Transfer Table for CPL
Type of Credit for Prior Learning
University of California
California State University
Standardized Tests:    
Industry Certification NO YES
Military Training Evaluate after Transferring YES
Portfolio Assessment NO YES
Credit by Exam YES YES