Graduated Students of Puente

Student Guide - SLO Glossary

The following terms are excerpted from a glossary that was developed from existing research and feedback from faculty and researchers from the California community colleges in response to Resolution S08 2.02 that asked the Academic Senate for California Community College to address the confusion in the field by researching and developing a glossary of common terms for student learning outcomes and assessment. The glossary does not dictate terminology nor does it seek to be comprehensive. Due to the increased collaboration between researchers and faculty, dialog about these terms increases our ability to serve our students and increase student success.

Affective Outcomes. Affective outcomes relate to the development of values, attitudes and behaviors.

Artifact. An assessment artifact is a student-produced product or performance used as evidence for assessment. An artifact in student services might be a realistic and achievable student educational plan (SeP).

Assessment of Learning. Learning assessment refers to a process where methods are used to generate and collect data for evaluation of courses and programs to improve educational quality and student learning. This term refers to any method used to gather evidence and evaluate quality and may include both quantitative and qualitative data in instruction or student services.

Authentic Assessment. Traditional assessment sometimes relies on indirect or proxy items such as multiple choice questions focusing on content or facts. in contrast, authentic assessment simulates a real world experience by evaluating the student's ability to apply critical thinking and knowledge or to perform tasks that may approximate those found in the work place or other venues outside of the classroom setting.

Bloom's Taxonomy. Bloom's Taxonomy is an example of one of several classification methodologies used to describe increasing complexity or intellectual sophistication:

  1. Knowledge: recalling or remembering information without necessarily understanding it. includes behaviors such as describing, listing, identifying, and labeling.
  2. Comprehension: Understanding learned material and includes behaviors such as explaining, discussing, and interpreting.
  3. Application: The ability to put ideas and concepts to work in solving problems. it includes behaviors such as demonstrating, showing, and making use of information.
  4. Analysis: Breaking down information into its component parts to see interrelationships and ideas. related behaviors include differentiating, comparing, and categorizing.
  5. Synthesis: The ability to put parts together to form something original. it involves using creativity to compose or design something new.

Classroom-based assessment. Classroom-based assessment is the formative and summative evaluation of student learning within a classroom, in contrast to institutional assessment that looks across courses and classrooms at student populations.

Course Assessment. This assessment evaluates the curriculum as designed, taught, and learned. it involves the collection of data aimed at measuring successful learning in the individual course and improving instruction with the ultimate goal towards improving learning and pedagogical practice.

Criterion-based assessments. Criterion-based assessment evaluates or scores student learning or performance based on explicit criteria developed by student services or instruction which measures proficiency at a specific point in time.

Formative assessment. Formative assessment generates useful feedback for development and improvement. The purpose of these assessments is to provide a way for students to perform and to provide an opportunity for the instructor to receive guidance. You'll notice these as your class assignments, quizzes, discussion, lab activities, etc.

General Education Student Learning Outcomes. GE SLOs are the knowledge, skills and abilities a student is expected to be able to demonstrate following a program of courses designed to provide the student with a common core of knowledge consistent with a liberally educated or literate citizen.

Summative assessment. These are assessments you will be given but may never receive improvement feedback from such as on a standardized test or licensing exam or a final exam.