ASO Past Events

Financial Literacy Series

Financial Flyer Event

This 4-workshop series gives you the opportunity to master several financial strategies and become more financially independent and informed!

Nov 4, 2021 | Building Financial A Financial Plan for College
Nov 18, 2021 | Becoming Money Savvy
Jan 20, 2022 | Tips & Tricks For Managing Credit
Feb 3, 2022 | Understanding Student Loans

Students who complete all 4 workshops will receive a digital badge certifying their successful completion. Attending the workshops will also satisfy one or more required contacts for EOPS and/or Fresh Success.

TIME: 3:30M-4:30PM

West LA Polo Shirts giveaways at each workshop! Also, you will be entered in a raffle of a $200 Bookstore Gift Card if you attend all four workshops!

Renters Right Online Workshops

Renters Flyer Event

Renters’ Rights

Safe place for Youth & WLAC Monthly Workshops

Time and Dates:
Online Workshops 2:00pm to 3:30pm

  • September 9: Student Housing Resources & Renter’s Rights
  • October 14: Housing services for undocumented students/mixed status families, foster youth, & system involved
  • November 11: Financing your housing: financial literacy, credit, & spending plan
  • December 9: Destigmatizing homelessness

ZOOM MEETING ID: 993 4696 2482
Use zoom meeting ID for workshops and office hours

Online Office Hours

You’re welcome to ask questions about the workshops held or other housing questions.

ASO Finals Care Package

Final Care Packages Flyer Event

Finals Care Packages
West is grateful that you're part of our community. We value your brilliance and hard work during this finals season. To make finals a little easier, ASO is providing care packages for you that will include freshly prepared meals so that you can spend your time studying, not cooking, as well as a special winter gift.

Pick up your ASO Finals Care Package on Thursday, December 9th from 12:00 - 3:00 pm. The event will take place on campus at Parking Lot 7.

WLAC Finals Care Package is made possible through the generosity of WLAC ASO and WLAC Basic Needs

Quantities are limited and will be given out on a first come basis. Please bring a Student Id. Social distancing is required.

ASO Finals Care Package

Final Care Packages Flyer Event

Finals Care Packages
West is grateful that you're part of our community. We value your brilliance and hard work during this finals season. To make finals a little easier, ASO is providing care packages for you that will include freshly prepared meals so that you can spend your time studying, not cooking, as well as a special winter gift.

Pick up your ASO Finals Care Package on Thursday, December 9th from 12:00 - 3:00 pm. The event will take place on campus at Parking Lot 7.

WLAC Finals Care Package is made possible through the generosity of WLAC ASO and WLAC Basic Needs

Quantities are limited and will be given out on a first come basis. Please bring a Student Id. Social distancing is required.

Health Center Info Session

Health Center Info Session Banner

Mondays | 12:00 - 1:00 pm

We will resume Health info sessions every week throughout the semester to give you the opportunity to seek the help you need with the services provided by your student health fee. Learn more about virtual medical and mental help provided. Link to join is on our ASO calender.

Every Monday at 12PM-1PM starting February - June Spring 2021
Zoom Meeting ID: 978 2534 2383
Passcode: ASOSHC
To book a personal appointment: | (323) 226-9042

Dream Resource Centers End of Year Celebration

End of Year Celebration Flyer Event

The LACCD Dream Resource Centers Invite You to the
End of Year Celebration Gratitude & Community.

Wednesday, May 26, 2021 | 5:00 to 6:30pm

Happiness Retreat

Sky Campus Flyer Event

May 21-23, 2021
Want to be more Productive?
Increase self-confidence?
Do you feel the need to feel more optimistic?
Join our Powerful Evidence-Based Meditation Retreat!
This 3-day program teaches an evidence-based meditation and breathwork practice that's shown to significantly reduce anxiety and depression, lower stress markers, and increase well-being, focus, optimism, and support overall happiness.
May 21st – 23rd, 2021
Friday: 5:00 to 8:00 PM PST
Sat & Sun: 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM PST

Location: Online via Zoom
Limited spots are available, please only apply if you can attend all 3 sessions on May 21, 22, and 23 fully. If you have questions or concerns, let us know by emailing us at
Sponsored by your West Los Angeles College Student Government

Stop Asian Hate

Stop Asian Hate Flyer Event

May 21, 2021 | 4-6 pm

A conference coordinated by LACCD's student leaders in support of the Asian Pacific Islander community of Los Angeles.

May 21st, 2021 | 4:00 - 6:00 P.M.
Zoom ID: 957 9920 9231

Guest Speakers:

• Eric Yang, Representing the Korean Resource Center
The Korean Resource Center is a non-profit community organization empowering low-income, immigrants, Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders, and people of color communities in Southern California.

• Mayor Yvonne Yiu
Yvonne Yiu, having been elected in March of 2020, currently serves as Mayor of Monterey Park, CA. She is a lifelong career woman and community activist.

• Trustee Mike Fong
Mike Fong was elected Trustee of LACCD in March of 2015. Fong has served as a community activist and member of many organizations advancing representation of the API community.

Student Town Hall

Student Town Hall Flyer Event

May 18, 2021 | 1:30pm

West LA College Student Town Hall Meeting
With WLAC President, Dr. James Limbaugh, and WLAC ASO President, Franly Rivera

Tuesday, May 18th, 2021 at 1:30 PM | Zoom ID: 868 8413 5156

Topics of Discussion:

  • What programs would you like more funding for?
  • What would make you feel safe to return on campus?
  • Where do you want change to happen on campus?
  • And more.

Your input is crucial to us and to our college’s future!

Asian Pacific American Heritage Month

Asian Pacific American Flyer Event

The West Los Angeles College Dream Resource Center and Korean Resource presents: Asian Pacific American Heritage Month Events!

Join us for a series of workshops centering around the histories with the undocumented Asian, Asian American, and Pacific Islander (AAPI) communities.

• Undocu Entrepreneurs | Wed, May 12, 1pm
Do you consider yourself as an entrepreneur? If so, this is a perfect panel for you! Join us to learn how to thrive as an Undocu Entrepreneurs, and an event full of insightful and interesting ways to be an entrepreneur. Come and find out many different ways on how to be your own boss as well as learning how to start your own business.

  • Undocu AAPI Narratives | Wed, May 19, 3pm
    What is it like to be an API and undocumented? Join a conversation about Undocumented Narratives and immigration stories from the perspective of an AAPI immigrants. Undocumented communities are very diverse and unique. Come and be part of the conversation to spread awareness about the Undocumented AAPI issues and resources!

Health Center Events

Mental Health Student Flyer Event

WLAC CO-Sponsors: ASO, Basic Needs, Dream Resource Center, Puente, Black Student Union


Thursday, May 6th & 13th, 2021 | 4:15 - 5:15 pm

This short presentation provides an overview to suicide prevention. Participants learn about the nature of suicide, suicide-related statistics, suicide risk factors and warning signs.

Addressing AAPI Bigotry & Hate

Addressing Flyer Event

A Support & Coping Skills Group
Tuesday, April 27 | 10am

Open to all, this group will be a time to come together to talk about the impact on our student population of the recent rise of violence and bigotry towards the Asian American & Pacific Islander population.

Group facilitators will present on the psychological effects of both the recent events of violence towards the AAPI Community as well as long-standing prejudice and will provide methods to cope with the increased stress, anger, and fear many are experiencing. Time will be provided for questions and discussion.

Same day registration for this meeting is available. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about the meeting.

Presented by the Student Health Centers at West Los Angeles College & L.A. Southwest College, administered by Mosaic Family Care, and moderated by staff therapists.

Steppin’ Stones Performance for Black History Month

Black History Flyer Event

Date: Thursday, February 25, 2021 at 4 PM
Zoom ID: 869 9263 1611
Password: ASO

*Attendees will receive a West LA College face mask

Time Management Event

Time Management Flyer Event

February 11th | 3:00 pm

Participants in this workshop will learn helpful tips for enhancing their time management skills, including realistic goal setting, maximizing your efficiency, and reducing stress and anxiety.

*Attendees will receive a WLAC mask.
Zoom ID: 863 5342 9847
Password: ASO
Sponsors: ASO, Child Development Center.

Speaker: Dr. Marini Smith, Child Development instructor.

Virgen de Guadalupe Celebration

Virgen de Guadalupe Flyer Event

December 11, 2020 | 3pm & 4:30pm

Tips for Good Oral Hygiene

Tips for Good Oral Hygiene Flyer Event

Wednesday, December 9, 2020 | 4:30 PM

Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 874 5187 0042
Passcode: Dental

The Importance of Good Oral Health

The Importance of Good Oral Health Flyer Event

Wednesday December 2, 2020 | 4:30 PM

Student Roundtable on Basic Needs

Student Basic Need Flyer Event

Friday, November 20, 2020 | 1:00-3:00 pm

LACCD encourages persons with disabilities to participate in its programs and activities. If you anticipate needing any type of accommodation, please contact Betsy Regalado, as soon as possible, but no later than 2 (two) days prior to the event.

Racial Equity and Social Justice with Dr. Angela Davis

Dr Angela Davis Flyer Event

Friday, November 13, 2020 | 11:00 am - 1:00 pm

REGISTER TODAY for this extraordinary opportunity with Angela Davis, a profound civil rights leader of our time. Brought to you by one of our Sister Colleges. Check out our event calendar for more events.

Club Rush

Club Rush Flyer Event

Thursday, November 5, 2020 | 2:00 pm

Meeting ID: 987 954 6698
Passcode: ASO

Dia de los Muertos

Dia de Muertos Flyer Event

October 31, 2020 | 6:00 pm

Questions based on Latinx Culture & Halloween Tradition and Cinema

Prizes Include - DoorDash:
1st Place Winner $30
2nd Place Winner $20
3rd Place Winner $15

Zoom Meeting ID: 839 7011 1476
Passcode: 088064

Black Artist Showcase

Black Artist Showcase Flyer Event

October 26, 2020 | 3:00pm

Meeting ID: 813 9544 1234
Passcode: 604526

8 Artists Perform Art, Poetry, Dance, Rap, Play Music, Sing, Comedy.

Each artist will receive $20 Bookstore gift card & McDonald food voucher!

DM us on Instagram (wlac_aso) if intrested or email:

Armenian Town Hall | ASO Armenian Statement

Armenian Event Flyer

Friday, October 23 | 2:00 pm

Meeting ID: 786 5547 9938
Passcode: 123456

GUEST SPEAKERS: LACCD’s Student Leaders, Armenian Youth Federation, Members of the Los Angeles Community.

LACCD encourages persons with disabilities to participate in its programs and activities.

If you anticipate needing any type of accommodation, please contact Betsy Regalado, as soon as possible, but no later than 2 (two) days prior to the event.

Udocumented Student Week of Action

Undocumented Students Week Flyer

October 19 - 22, 2020

Women's Right to Vote, A Conversation

Aso Womens Right to Vote Flyer

October 14, 2020 | 3pm

Zoom ID: 986 1410 2798

Voting Registration Support Event

Registration Support Event Flyer

September 30, 2020 | 3pm

Zoom Meeting ID: 853 3348 5625 | Password: 405893