Hispanic Heritage Speaker: Queer Latinidades
Thursday, October 12, 2023
Location: 9000 Overland Ave., Culver City, CA 90230
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
Hispanic Heritage Speaker: Queer Latinidades

Join us on Zoom - Meeting ID: 897 7494 2639 Passcode: 783741
Guest Speaker: Dr. Rigo Márquez
"Pride & It's Prejudice: Queer Latinidades in the Community College Setting"
Dr. Rigo Márquez is a community college alumni who transferred to UCSD to complete his Bachelor's degree and then completed his graduate degrees from the University of Maryland and UCLA. His areas of expertise are in Race in Education, Social Learning, Program Design, Management & Development. His research interests include critical theories of race and sexuality in education, queer youth of color, Latina/o(x) youth, community engagement and advocacy, law and policy, critical pedagogy, social justice education, community health and public pedagogy.