Female Student Overlooking

California College Promise Grant

California College Promise Grant (CCPG)

(Formerly known as the BOG Fee Waiver)

Promise Grant Application (English)Promise Grant Application (Spanish)

We encourage all students to apply using the FAFSA so that they will be considered for all of the federal and state financial aid programs. The California College Promise Grant (CCPG) is offered by the California Community Colleges. Applicants do not have to be enrolled in a specific number of units or courses to receive the CCPG. Effective Fall 2006, the health fees are no longer part of the CCPG. All CCPG recipients are required to pay the student health fee. PLEASE NOTE: The CCPG waives the $46 per unit enrollment fee, but it does not cover the additional $84 per unit fee for the Dental Hygiene Bachelors Degree Program.

You are eligible to apply for a California College Promise Grant if you are:

  • A California resident (or AB540 eligible), and
  • You are enrolled in at least one unit.

You may qualify for a CCPG if any of the following categories applies to you:

At the time of enrollment you are a recipient of benefits under the TANF/CalWORKs Program (formerly AFDC), Supplemental Security Income/State Supplementary Program (SSI), General Assistance Program (GA). Documented proof of benefits is required.

You and/or your family must meet the specified income standards by household size.

You may be eligible if you have applied for financial aid via the FAFSA and you have been determined to have financial need.

You are eligible if you have a Certification from the California Department of Veterans Affairs or the National Guard Adjutant General that you qualify for a Dependent’s Fee Waiver. If you are a dependent of deceased law enforcement/ fire suppression personnel killed in the line of duty, you must show proof of benefits.

If you are a recipient of the Congressional Medal of Honor or a child of a recipient, submit documentation from the Department of Veterans Affairs.

You are eligible if you are a dependent of a victim of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. Submit documentation from the California Victim Compensation and Government Claims Board.

If you are in a Registered Domestic Partnership (RDP), you will be treated as an Independent married student to determine eligibility for the Fee Waiver and will need to provide income and household information for your domestic partner. If you are a dependent student and your parent is in a Registered Domestic Partnership, you will be treated the same as a student with married parents and income and household information will be required for the parent’s domestic partner.