Pre & Co-Requisites

A prerequisite is a condition of enrollment that a student is required to meet in order to demonstrate readiness for enrolling in a course or educational program. Co-requisites are courses that a student is required to take simultaneously in order to enroll in another course. An advisory is a course that a student is advised, but not required, to take in conjunction with, or prior to, a course or program. Colleges shall ensure that course pre and co-requisites are properly validated pursuant to Title 5, Section 552001, and Board Rule 8600 et seq.

Challenge Process

Pre-requisite Clearance Process

  • If a student believes a course taken at another college or university meets the prerequisite for a West Los Angeles College course in which he / she wishes to enroll, the student may submit a Prerequisite Clearance Request. To submit a Pre-requisite Clearance Request, please complete the linked form below and email with all documentation to @email or drop off at the Admissions Office on the second floor of the SSB.
  • Prerequisite clearance forms MUST BE SUBMITTED 10 DAYS PRIOR TO A CLASS START DATE. After that deadline, prerequisite clearance forms will be processed when a student has an instructor's permission to add a class. For on-campus or hybrid classes an Add Slip needs to be attached. For online classes permission can be documented by attaching an email from the instructor.

Pre-requisite & Assessment Completion Form

Pre-requisite Challenge Process

If a student has not met a prerequisite requirement, a Pre-requisite Challenge Petition, should be submitted to the Department Chairperson. Please follow the instructions on the form:

Pre-requisite Challenge Petition

Colleges shall establish procedures by which any student who does not meet a prerequisite or co-requisite, or who is not permitted to enroll but who provides satisfactory evidence, may seek entry into the class according to an established challenge process per the provisions of Section 55201(f) of Title 5, CCR.

If the student elects to proceed with the challenge, completion of the challenge procedure shall be deemed to constitute an informal complaint pursuant to Title 5, section 59327.

Colleges shall enforce all conditions a student must meet to be enrolled through the registration process, so that a student shall not be permitted to enroll unless he or she has met all required conditions except those for which he or she has a pending challenge, or for which further information is needed before a final determination is possible.

Assessment Completion Criteria / Pre-requisite clearance criteria:

  1. The student has participated in the Assessment Placement Process within the last two-years or course equivalency at another California Community College or four-year institution with a grade of “C” or higher.
  2. The student has demonstrated college readiness on Early Assessment Placement (EAP) or Advanced Placement Exams (AP) with scores of 3, 4, or 5 or IB or CLEP (score of 50).