
Facets - Directory V2 - AZ

*Note: Directory data is from SAP. Please contact your college Personnel Office or ESC HR for updates.
For more info, visit the Directory section of our "College CMS Training Guides" on the Employee Intranet.
Data last updated: 10/14/2024

Fogel, Seth

Foster, Zakia

Gallegos, Dolores

Gallegos, Martin

Gandomi, Sean

Gandomi, Tara

Gao, Edward

Garcia, Rocio

Garza, Marlene

Gavukchyan, Izabela

Gelsi, Hye Jin

Gendel, Carla

Ghaforyfard, Parvaneh

Gharamanians, Jilbert

Givhan, Gjenaii

Glionna, Lisa

Godoy, Carlos

Goltermann, John

Golubitskiy, Leonid

Gomez, Antonio

Gomez, Evelyn

Gonzalez, Moises

Gonzalez, Roberto

Gordon, Mark

Gorfu, Kaleab

Gossett, DeAnna

Govea, Salvador

Grayson, Chantal

Green, Christian

Grey, Joanne

Guerrero, Andres

Guichard, Laura

Gunter, Marcus

Gutierrez, Hector

Guzman, Edmond

Gvildys, Zachary

Hall, Tracie

Hallman, Ebony

Hammond, Jamie

Harjuno, Thomas

Harrison, Matthew

Harvey, Doug

Haverim, Babak

Hawkins, Colonda

Haywood, Joann

Henderson, Jennifer

Henk, Nori

Herdzina, Susan

Hermosillo Hernandez, Angelica

Hernandez, David