COVID-19 Updates

Mask / Vaccination Requirements
As of May 4, 2022, students are NOT required to have a COVID vaccination to enroll at West Los Angeles College, however it is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
As of the time of this posting, indoor masking is not required on campus. Wearing a mask indoors is still recommended particularly during periods of high transmission to protect you and others from the spread of COVID-19.
Free rapid self COVID tests are available through the U.S. government.
Report Positive COVID Cases
Students should report themselves as positive to their instructors. Instructors will then share the information with Campus COVID Safety Officer. The Safety Officer provides positive students with isolation instructions. Employees should report their positive status to their managers who will notify the COVID Safety Office.
LACCD COVID Isolations Instructions as of January 22, 2024
- Full COVID-19 positive isolation guidelines letter
- Guidelines if you've been in close contact with a COVID-19 positive person
The following is an excerpt from the COVID-19 positive isolation guidelines letter
- Stay home if you have COVID-19 symptoms, until you have not had a fever for 24 hours without using fever reducing medication AND other COVID-19 symptoms are mild and improving.
If you do not have symptoms, you should follow the California Department of Public Health recommendations below to reduce exposure to others.
Mask when you are around other people indoors for the 10 days* after you become sick or test positive (if no symptoms). You may remove your mask sooner than 10 days if you have two sequential negative tests at least one day apart. Day 0 is symptom onset date or positive test date. If test results are still positive, the person may still be infectious, and should continue wearing a mask and wait at least one day before taking another test up to Day 10.
- Avoid contact with people at higher-risk for severe COVID-19 for 10 days*. Higher-risk individuals include the elderly, those who live in congregate care facilities, those who have immunocompromising conditions, and that put them at higher risk for serious illness.
- Seek Treatment . If you have symptoms, particularly if you are at higher risk for severe COVID-19, speak with a healthcare provider as soon as you test positive. You may be eligible for antiviral medicines or other treatments for COVID-19. COVID-19 antiviral medicines work best if taken as soon as possible, and within 5-7 days from when symptoms start.
Call 1-833-422-4255 if you are unable to contact a healthcare provider, or use the treatment options to find one.
*The potential infectious period is 2 days before the date of symptoms began or the positive test date (if no symptoms) through Day 10. (Day 0 is the symptom onset date or positive test date).
If you have questions on the instructions above, please call the COVID Info Hotline at 1-833-540-0473, which is available in multiple languages. For additional information about Coronavirus in Los Angeles County, please visit the LA County Department of Public Health coronavirus webpage at
In closing, we would like to inform you that all information, including the name(s) of ill persons, shared regarding any Public Health investigation is confidential to protect patient privacy.