ADA Accommodations and Library Services
ADA Accommodations
Students with disabilities are encouraged to enroll in the Disabled Students Programs & Services located in SSB 320, (310) 287-4450, to obtain information regarding special accommodations and services.
Research Assistance
Librarians are on duty at the Reference Desk all library hours and will provide research assistance to locate and demonstrate the use of library resources to students with disabilities.
Library Workshops and Orientations
An ADA compliant computer station is available in the library classroom in which library workshops and orientations are conducted. Reasonable accommodations will be provided for students with disabilities who attend these instructional sessions and request accommodations in advance through DSP&S or the Library.
Retrieving Materials
If needed, library staff will retrieve materials for students with disabilities from the book shelves. If library staff cannot provide immediate assistance, students can leave their requests at the Circulation Desk and return at a later time to pick up the retrieved materials.
Adaptive Equipment/Software
An ADA compliant computer workstation is available for students with disabilities. JAWS and ZoomText Magnifier/Screen Reader are also available for visually impaired students at the WLAC Library.
Accessing the Library's Electronic Resources
The Library has a large collection of electronic resources available and accessible in multiple formats.
If a user cannot fully access any library resource, please contact a librarian by email, @email, or by phone, 310-287-4269, to schedule an appointment with a librarian. Please include the nature of the accessibility issue, the location of the material with which you are having difficulty and your contact information so that we can deliver the material to you in an alternate, accessible format and/or implement the necessary improvements make the information accessible.
Please see the Equally Effective Alternative Access Plan (EEAAP) guide for each of our electronic databases: EEAAP Guide
For additional accommodations contact he Disabled Students Programs and Services located on the third floor of the Student Services Building.
The Library makes every effort to maintain the Library website ( and to make it accessible to students with disabilities in compliance with Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act.
Library Instructional Research Lab (LIRL)
The Library Instructional Research Lab (LIRL) enables students to accomplish several critical academic interests in one convenient location: Research the library's electronic databases, word process a paper, and search the Internet. LIRL is currently comprised of about 100 networked computers, 4 networked printers, and 8 scanners. All LIRL computers provide access to all Library research databases (e.g., CQ Researcher, LexisNexis, ProQuest) and to selected Microsoft applications installed: Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. Thus, a student can look up a legal case in LexisNexis, complete his Works Cited list, and surf the ‘Net at the same time—true multi-tasking (aka “brain overload”)!
LIRL is staffed by experienced and trained technicians and tutors during all operational hours. It is part of the LIRL techs' and tutors' job to provide the student with pointers on how to navigate the databases, format a paper for writing, and assist with printing.
Students in need of in-depth assistance should contact the Reference Librarian or use the Help feature of each database.
Printing and Photocopying
A self-service photocopier is available on the second floor of the library. Students with disabilities requiring assistance may request help from library staff at the Circulation Desk.
Price per page: 10 cents B&W, 25 cents color
For information about copyright, refer to the Copyright Restrictions flyer posted near the photocopiers.
Students' own paper is not to be used for printing without permission. Most of the cost of printing goes to the purchase of toner cartridges, not paper.
Computer usage at LIRL is governed by Administrative Regulation B-27 (formerly E-76) and by the general rules of the Library as they are set forth in the Policies Guide.
Wireless Network Access (WiFi)
Wireless Printing
Wi-Fi printing is available some time in summer 2023. Wi-Fi access points are sited strategically within the Library building to allow Internet access anywhere within the building. If your laptop is not accessing the Internet, please report it to the Technician in LIRL.
How to Connect to the Wireless Network (Wi-Fi)
- Access wireless settings on your laptop
- Choose wlac_students from the list of available wireless networks
- Enter your Username. Your username is your 9-digit Student ID number that begins with the numbers "88..."
- Enter your Password. Your password your PIN# which is 4 digits (MMDD format) from your birthdate (eg. if your birthdate is January 31, your PIN is '0131') unless you have changed it the Student Information System.
- Click Continue
- Read the acceptable use policy and click Accept if you agree and wish to connect to the wireless network.
If you are having problems connecting, ask for assistance from the instructional or the Librarian at the Reference Desk.
Using Your Own Laptop
Personal laptop use is permitted, but the College is not liable for anything that happens to your laptop.