Library Student Computer Support

Library Live Chat

To Live Chat with a Library Instructional Assistant, please follow the steps below.

  • Step 1: Click on the “Live Chat” tab for the Instructional Assistant (IA) on duty. Look for the bright green button indicating the IA is available live.
  • Step 2: Login to Cranium Cafe using your Student Information System (SIS) and Password.
  • Step 3: Wait for the pop-up window to appear to start Live Chat.

During this Live Chat session, you will be able to use your computer microphone and audio speaker/headset, laptop or phone, to speak with an Instructional Assistant. You can also choose to share a document or share your desktop to get help with:

Sample Support Requests:

  • How do I save or find my computer documents?
  • How do I change the margins on my Word document?
  • How do I access Microsoft Word to type my papers? How do I submit an assignment in Canvas?
  • Cranium Cafe Student Video Tutorials (video links below)

Sample Support Requests:

Live Chat


Live Chat Hours
Mondays to Thursdays: 9:00AM - 6:00PM
Fridays to Sundays: Closed