Work Experience - Faculty
The Cooperative Work Experience Education (CWEE) program helps students achieve their educational and career goals through internships. This is a unique experience for students because it provides an opportunity to combine classroom education with mentored work experience.
Community College Benefits:
- Strengthens the relationship between the college and the business community
- Interaction of student-instructor-employer provides valuable input concerning labor market trends and implications for curriculum
- Student success and a skilled workforce benefit the college and community
The college provides organization, coordination, and program supervision. A faculty advisor is required to counsel the student during the semester and visit the employer. The faculty advisor works closely with the student to identify three learning objectives that relate to the student's career goals to be accomplished by the end of the semester. The faculty advisor determines the student's grade based on feedback from the employer and student performance.
Faculty Advisor Requirements:
ALL faculty must attend a faculty training before becoming a CWEE Faculty Advisor. Training registrations is above.
The following checklist highlights the necessary steps for faculty supervision of a student in the CWEE Program:
STEP 1: Faculty Advisor Expectations
- Agree to serve as a faculty advisor for a student during his or her internship.
- Review and approve the student’s internship site. If there are any concerns, please discuss with the student and CWEE office.
STEP 2: Student Workplace Learning Outcomes
Review the draft Workplace Learning Objectives Agreement to ensure students formulated attainable and measurable learning outcomes. You must then approve the student's workplace learning objectives through the CCN Experiential Learning.
STEP 3: Communication
- Maintain contact with the student(s) and site supervisor(s) throughout the duration of the internship.
- Log all communication between employer, faculty and student on the Faculty and Student Communication Log.
STEP 4: Site Visit & Meetings
The faculty advisor will conduct at least one site visit per the Title 5, California Code of Regulations, Section 55255. During this visit, complete the midterm assessment form to record the work site visit.
- The site visit provides the opportunity for the faculty advisor and work supervisor to meet in person to discuss the student’s progress during the semester. The student does not need to be present when the visit occurs.
- Due to recent changes, faculty advisors are allowed to use alternative of in-person visits, such as phone call, email or video conference. Please contact the CWEE office if an alternative method will be use.
- Right after the worksite visit, schedule a midterm assessment meeting with student either in-person or video conference to go over student's progress towards meeting workplace learning objectives and going over paperwork and its deadline. During this meeting, complete the second page of the midterm assessment form to record the consultation with the student.
- During the last week of the course, schedule your exit meeting with the student to go over their progress and any missing paperwork, if any. Remind students that in order to receive a grade all requirements must be completed by the last day of the course.
STEP 5: Paperwork
- Clearly outline your CWEE Canvas using the CWEE Canvas development shell shared with you.
- Ensure you required paperwork be submitted as pdf files, unless where a screenshot is asked.
- If a document is not sign, download submitted documents and send it via Adobe Sign to all parties to request signatures.
- The student is responsible for submitting all required paperwork to the faculty advisor though the canvas course.
- The faculty advisor is responsible for ensuring students submit all documents and assignments in canvas.
- Students are required to complete and submit the following paperwork as part of the CWEE to the canvas:
- Copy of orientation completion badge
- Copy of Application packet
- Copy of CCN: Workplace Learning Objectives Agreement
- Timesheet summary statement
- Employment Prep. Completion Badges
- A final self-evaluation
- Exit survey
- Faculty Advisors are required to complete and submit the following paperwork to the OneDrive folder assigned for each student:
- Faculty Advisor Clearance Checklist
- Midterm Assessment Visitation Form
- Faculty to Student Communication Log
- Instructor End of Term Student Evaluation
STEP 6: Evaluation
- Ensure that all students complete the Final Self-Evaluation of the Workplace Learning Objectives and submit it in canvas.
- The site supervisor will complete the Employer Evaluation of Student.
- You will need send the form to the employer 1-2 weeks before course ends via email or through Adobe Sign and CC @email. Review the evaluation received with students during the exit meeting.
- The faculty advisor will need to complete Instructor End of Term Student Evaluation at the end of the class.
STEP 7: Submission of Paperwork
- Use the Clearance Checklist to track and ensure all documents are signed and assignments complete. Email the completed Document Checklist to the CWEE office confirming your students’ documents and assignments are all submitted by the student and ready to be uploaded and saved in each student’s online OneDrive file.
- It is the responsibility of the faculty advisor to ensure students upload all their assignments and all paperwork are signed on canvas before emailing the Document Checklist to CWEE office.
- CWEE office will confirm with faculty advisor before the last day of the course if the student is missing any document or is incomplete.
- Faculty Advisor must upload all paperwork to each student online OneDrive file.
- Online OneDrive files will be provided by the CWEE office at the beginning of the semester.
NOTE: The CWEE office will not accept any of the required paperwork from students directly, it must be uploaded to canvas.
STEP 8: Final Grade
- CWEE office must confirm all requirement documents and assignments, required per Title V, are turned in and signed before posting grades.
- Once you receive verification that the student submitted all required paperwork from the CWEE office, review the evaluation of student performance, and determine if credit should be granted and submit a final grade.
- Final grades should not be submitted until you have received confirmation from CWEE office that documents are signed and complete.
Faculty Forms
- Faculty Advisor Requirement Checklist
- Cooperative Work Experience Education Agreement
- CCN Workplace Learning Objectives Agreement Instructions
- Faculty Advisor Clearance Checklist
- Midterm Assessment Visitation Form
- Faculty to Student Communication Log
- Instructor End of Term Student Evaluation
Faculty Resources
CWEE Faculty Handbook
Most Frequently Asked Questions