BSDH Entry Level Program
Bachelor of Science Dental Hygiene
Entry-Level Program
For Non-Licensed Students
All students must attend an information session before applying to the dental hygiene program. Sessions are available year-round, and it is recommended that prospective students attend an information session: before starting the prerequisite courses, at least one year before applying to the program, then within three months of the application deadline.
- You must apply to become a student of West Los Angeles College.
- Submit an online application to West Los Angeles College and Obtain Student I.D. Visit and click "Apply" in the upper right-hand corner.
- International students must also submit an I-20 application along with supporting documentation to West. For more information, visit International website or call (310) 287-7283.
- Send official transcripts from all the colleges and universities outside the LACCD system to the West Los Angeles College Admission Office. The official transcripts will be used by the counseling office for course equivalency and evaluation of CSU/IGETC transfer certificate. Instruction of how to submit the transcripts from other colleges and universities can be located at the Admission and Record Grade Transcript page.
- Meet with a counselor at West Los Angeles College to review the prerequisite course requirements, course equivalency and set a student educational plan is highly recommended. Review the WLAC BSDH Course Equivalency List, this document contains the approved equivalent list of classes that are accepted at the West Los Angeles Community College, Dental Hygiene Bachelor's program. If the institution you attended is not listed, please make an appointment with a WLAC counselor to obtain the WLAC Bachelor of Science in Dental Hygiene Prerequisite Course Substitution Request Form.
Information Session Attendance: All applicants must attend a virtual information session within three months of the application deadline. Proof of attendance will be recorded during the session.
High School Diploma or the recognized equivalent, which will permit entrance to a college or university accredited by an agency recognized by the U.S. Department of Education or Council for Higher Education Accreditation
Science Prerequisites: Must be completed within seven years at the time of application and with an overall GPA of 3.0.
- ANATOMY 001 - Introduction to Human Anatomy w/Wet Lab (4-5 units)
- PHYSIOLOGY 001 - Introduction to Human Physiology w/Wet Lab (4-5 units)
- CHEM 051 OR 060 OR 101 - Fundamentals of Chemistry w/Wet Lab (4-5 units)
- CHEM 066 OR 221- Biochemistry w/Wet Lab (4-5 units)
- MICRO 020 - General Microbiology w/Wet Lab (4-5 units)
- Science prerequisite courses are mandated to incorporate a wet lab component, regardless of whether they are delivered in-person or online, utilizing methods such as take-home lab kits or hybrid formats. During the pandemic (Spring 2020 to Spring 2022), a waiver for the wet laboratory requirement was permitted. All applicants must submit proof of wet lab experiences at the time of application submission. The evidence of the wet lab includes the course syllabus or a letter from the course professor. - California Code of Regulations, Title 16, section 1105(f)(1)
Non-Science Courses Prerequisites: The following courses must be completed at the time of application with a minimum GPA of 2.5.
- COMM 101 - Public Speaking (3 units)
- PSY 001 - General Psychology (3 units)
- SOC 001 - Introduction to Sociology (3 units)
- ANTHRO 102 - Cultural Anthropology (3 units)
- ENGLISH 103 - Critical Thinking (3 units)
- MATH 227 0R 227-S - Statistics (4 units)
General Education and Graduation Requirements: Applicants must complete one of the following certifications by the time of application. Please refer to the West Los Angeles College Catalog for current CSU or IGETC requirements or visit a WLAC counselor.
- CSU certification
- IGETC certification
Students are selected from a large number of qualified applicants based on the selection criteria listed below. These criteria have been approved by the West Los Angeles College Academic Senate and are consistent with State regulations:
- A minimum of 60 units of degree applicable lower division coursework by completing the CSU/IGETC transfer certification
- An overall minimum 3.0 GPA in science prerequisite courses within 7 years
- An overall minimum 2.5 GPA in non-science prerequisite courses.
- Completion of all pre-requisite coursework
- Completion of Voc Ed 407- Part I (CASAS standardized assessment test, Psychomotor Skill Assessment, In-Class Writing assignment)
Additional Considerations are given to applicants who demonstrate the following:
- Previous dental fieldwork experience verified by the employer.
- Dental Assistant Licenses or Certifications
- WLAC is offering continuing education courses that are open to prospective dental hygiene applicants:
- Ultrasonic Scaling Certification
- Orthodontic Assistant Permit
- Dental Sedation Permit
- Coronal Polishing
- DBC approved 8-hour Infection Control Certification
- DBC approved Radiographic Safety Certification
- Registered Dental Assistant License
- WLAC is offering continuing education courses that are open to prospective dental hygiene applicants:
- Completion of Non-Credit Courses toward Pre-Dental Career Preparation Certificate: Voc Ed 400 - Intro to Medical Terminology and Voc Ed 403 - Law and Ethics in Health Professions
- Applicants with Special Circumstances (military veteran, first-generation college student, foster youth, EOP&S, CALWORKS) are highly encouraged to apply.
- Required forms can be accessed from this link
Before you apply to the program, please attend the information session, even if you have already attended once. Make sure to update your information on current entry requirements.
Applications for Fall 2025 will be accepted from December 1st to February 7th, 2025. Be sure to carefully review the application instructions. The application form and all required documents must be submitted to the department by 11:59 pm on February 7, 2025.
West Los Angeles College accepts a maximum of 35 qualified students into its Bachelor of Science Dental Hygiene Degree Program each spring and fall semester. All applications are carefully reviewed and ranked based on academic records and dental experience, with points allocated to each required application criterion using a rubric.
The top-ranked students will be invited to complete the college preparation courses (Basic Skills) as part of the application process. Invitation letters to the preparation courses and the program orientation will be sent 60 to 90 days after the application deadline.
During the in-person preparation course, applicants will complete in-class writing assessments, psychomotor skill assessments, and foundational college preparation skill assessments. Successful completion of the course is mandatory for admission consideration.
Final acceptance letters will be sent to a maximum of thirty-five students within 30 days after completing the preparation courses.
The accepted students must undergo a criminal background screening and complete HIPAA certification training. Register for an orientation course during intersession. Details regarding the required materials for starting the dental hygiene program will be provided. The first-semester student kit payment is due one month before the semester begins. Before the start of the program, students must complete a physical examination, verify immunity, undergo a vision test, and submit to a drug test. Most of these tests are available through student health services at reduced rates.
WLAC Dental Hygiene ProgramExpected Expense for the Program |
Timeline | Description of Expenses | *This estimate is for California Residents |
Before starting the first semester |
Student Kit (Instruments and supplies)-Kit A- $6,000.00 Textbooks- $1,000.00 Uniforms and Shoes- $500.00 Medical Check up/ Vaccinations and Titers- $200.00 Background Check- $40.00 Anthropology 322 (3 units course)- $390.00 Den Hy 410 (1 unit course)- $130.00 |
$8,260.00 |
Semester I | Enrollment fee for 16 units ($130 per unit)- $2,080.00 Health Fee- $11.00 Parking Permit- $20.00 |
$2,111.00 |
Intersession | DH 97 (Elective - 1 unit)- $46.00 Health Fee- $11.00 Parking Permit- $7.00 |
$64.00 |
Semester II | Professional Liability Insurance ( One year)- $60.00 Student Kit (Instruments and supplies)- Kit B- $4,000.00 Enrollment fee for 15 units ($130 per unit)- $1,950.00 Textbooks- $500.00 Parking Permit- $20.00 Health Fee- $11.00 |
$6,541.00 |
Intersession | Biology 408 (3 units), Den Hy 356 (2 units)- $650.00 Health Fee- $11.00 Parking Permit- $7.00 DH 90 (2 units - elective)- $92.00 |
$760.00 |
Semester III | Student Kit (Dental Material) - Kit C- $300.00 Enrollment fee for 15 units ($130 per unit)- $1,950.00 Textbooks- $300.00 Health Fee- $11.00 Parking Permit- $20.00 |
$2,581.00 |
Semester IV | Enrollment fee for 12 units ($130 per unit)- $1,560.00 Textbooks- $200.00 Parking Permit- $20.00 Health Fee- $11.00 National Board Exam Fee- $550.00 Professional Liability Insurance ( One year)- $60.00 |
$2,401.00 |
After Graduation | Licensing application- $200.00 Live Scan- $100.00 Law and Ethics Exam- $22.00 |
$322.00 |
Total for the two-year program | $23,040.00 |
*Clinical Examination will be needed for out-of-state- $1,500.00
Intersession Before Starting Program
Class | Description | Units |
Den Hy 410 | Emergencies in Dental Practice | 1 |
Voc Ed 407 | Career Preparation and Orientation in the Dental Field | 0 |
Junior Year First Semester (H1)
Class | Description | Units |
DEN HY 300 | Principles of Clinical Dental Hygiene | 3 |
DEN HY 303 | Infection Control in Dentistry | 1 |
DEN HY 306 | Anatomy of the Head and Neck | 2 |
DEN HY 311 | Pre-Clinical Dental Hygiene | 2 |
DEN HY 312 | Radiology I | 2 |
DEN HY 354 | Pathology - General and Oral | 3 |
DEN HY 355 | Preventive Dentistry and Nutrition | 3 |
Intersession Course Requirement
Required To Take After H1 semester before the H3 semester
Class | Description | Units |
ANTHRO 322 | Cultural Perspectives in Health and Healing | 3 |
Pharmacology | 3 |
DEN HY 356 | Histology and Embryology of Oral Tissues | 2 |
Junior Year Second Semester (H2)
Class | Description | Units |
DEN HY 308 | Periodontics I | 2 |
DEN HY 314 | Dental Morphology | 2 |
DEN HY 327 | Local Anesthesia and Sedation Techniques | 3 |
DEN HY 351 | Clinical Dental Hygiene II | 3 |
DEN HY 352 | Care for Patients with Special Needs | 2 |
DEN HY 388 | Introductory Seminar in Dental Hygiene | 1 |
Senior Year First Semester (H3)
Class | Description | Units |
DEN HY 304 | Dental Health Education and Practicum | 2 |
DEN HY 389 | Intermediate Seminar in Dental Hygiene | 1 |
DEN HY 400 | Cardiology and Occlusion | 1 |
DEN HY 401 | Clinical Dental Hygiene III | 4 |
DEN HY 406 | Periodontics II | 1 |
DEN HY 415 | Dental Material & Expanded Functions | 3 |
*ENGLISH 420 | Research Design and Methodology | 3 |
Senior Year Second Semester (H4)
Class | Description | Units |
DEN HY 305 | Community Dental Health and Practicum | 3 |
DEN HY 450 | Advanced Periodontal Seminar | 1 |
DEN HY 451 | Clinical Dental Hygiene IV | 5 |
DEN HY 452 | Law and Ethics of Dental Hygiene | 2 |
DEN HY 489 | Advanced Seminar in Dental Hygiene | 1 |
Total Program Units: 65
(*upper division general education courses)
- All upper-division major must be completed at West Los Angeles College.
- During Winter and Summer sessions, students are offered elective clinical courses to support the technical skill training.
Comprehensive information about the WLAC Dental Hygiene Program is available in the handbook for dental hygiene students.