Degree Completion Program - ASDH to BSDH
For California RDH Licensed Students
The West Los Angeles College Dental Hygiene Program offers a Bachelor of Science degree completion pathway for Dental Hygiene-Associate Degree graduates from an accredited dental hygiene program. The program is designed for the working professional.
The Bachelor of Science in Dental Hygiene program is accredited by the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges (ACCJC). The Commission is a specialized accrediting body recognized by the Commission on Recognition of Post-Secondary Accreditation and by the United States Department of Education.
The Bachelor of Science in Dental Hygiene program by the California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office, Los Angeles Community College District Board of Trustees.
The Bachelor of Science in Dental Hygiene degree completion pathway will expand into areas of teaching methodology, policy, and leadership that prepare the student for alternative opportunities through a broad-based general education component, including critical thinking, analysis, writing, and research.
The program comprises one to two academic years* and will award the Bachelor of Science Degree in Dental Hygiene upon completing all courses and program requirements. Courses are fully offered online; there are no in-person courses.
*Courses will be offered on specific semesters (Fall or Spring) or intersession (Summer or Winter).
Join a virtual information session
- Send official transcripts from all the colleges and universities outside the LACCD system to the West Los Angeles College Admission Office. The official transcripts will be used by the counseling office for course equivalency and evaluation of CSU/IGETC transfer certificate. Instruction of how to submit the transcripts from other colleges and universities can be located at the Admission and Record Grade Transcript page.
Admission to the Dental Hygiene Bachelor of Science Degree Completion Pathway requires to fulfill following criteria:
- Graduation from an accredited dental hygiene program
- Cumulative College GPA 2.75- Transcripts from all colleges (Copy from LACCD)
- Licensed Registered Dental Hygienist (RDH) in California
- Recent graduates awaiting licensure may qualify. Applicants must provide their national board test results, a letter from their program director confirming program completion, and official transcripts.
Course fees are $130 per unit ($46 regular course fee, plus $84 upper division course fee). Upper Division Coursework Fee (California Education Code (CEC), 78042(g)(5); CCR, title 5, section 58520 –additional upper division course fee of $84/unit for semester colleges charged on all upper division courses that are part of an approved Baccalaureate Degree Pilot Program.
BS Degree completion program tuition cost will be 40 units x $130 = $5,200.
* Classes may require books or additional material.
Please see the out-of-state and international student's tuition rates on the Financial Aid Tuition & Fees page. The upper-division course fee of $84 will be added to the lower division enrollment fee.
Applicants can apply anytime during the year. Upon receiving the application, the program director will evaluate the transcripts from the ASDH program, other colleges attended for GE courses, and the RDH license from California or eligibility to become an RDH before starting the BSDH completion program. Please allow two to three weeks to review the application submitted.
Applications are accepted via email. Submit application form, copy of RDH license, and official transcripts from all institutions attended to @email
Application filing procedures must be followed carefully: Application Form
Recommendation: Submit your application at least one month before the next start of the semester or intersession dates.
- Fall 2024: August 26, 2024
- Winter 2025: January 6, 2025
- Spring 2025: February 10, 2025
The review process takes between two to three weeks. Applicants will receive an email notification upon completion of the review process.
Lower Division GE requirements: 80 units
- GE Transfer certificate (CSU or IGETC)
- Must complete the following lower division GE before or during the program.
- ANTHRO 102 - Cultural Anthropology (3 units)
- ENGLISH 103 - Critical Thinking (3 units)
- MATH 227 0R 227-S - Statistics (4 units)
- 40 units from Dental Hygiene courses from AS degree (from a Dental Hygiene Degree from a regionally and the Commission on Dental Accreditation (CODA) accredited institution.
Upper Division GE Core Courses: 24 units
- Anthropology 322 Cultural Anthropology (3 units)
- English 420 Research Design and Methodology (3 units)
- DEN HY 323 Dental Practice Management and Leadership (3 units)
- DEN HY 452 Law and Ethics for Dental Hygiene (2 units)
- DEN HY 460 Dental Hygiene Leadership Study and Practice (3 units)
- DEN HY 450 Advanced Periodontal Seminar (1 unit)
- DEN HY 462 Survey of Oral Health Care Systems (3 units)
- DEN HY 461Teaching Methodology for Health professions (3 units)
- DEN HY 463 Health Careers Research and Practice (3 units)
Credit for Prior Learning: 16 units
- Biology 408 Pharmacology (3 units)*
- DEN HY 421 Dental Hygiene Capstone (5 units)*
- DEN HY 304 Dental Health Education and Practicum (2 units)*
- DEN HY 305 Community Dental Health (3 units)*
- DEN HY 355 Preventive Dentistry and Nutrition (3 units)*
* The courses above are approved by the Curriculum Committee to grant credit to any students who passes assessment approved by proper authorities (Dental Hygiene National Board Examination, the Western Regional Examination Board (WREB), the Central Regional Dental Testing Service (CRDTS) and other examination approved by the Dental Hygiene Board of California (DHBC)
Total upper division units: 40 units - Total program units: 120 units
(80 units Lower Division Courses plus 40 units Upper Division Courses)
Credit for Prior Learning (CPL) is college credit awarded for validated college-level skills and knowledge gained outside of a college classroom. The credit that is earned through CPL must be approved by faculty through an assessment or proof of certification. Visit the CPL website to learn more about the CPL process: Credit for Prior Learning.
Dental Hygiene Counseling Appointments
Please contact the Counseling office by emailing Make sure to state that you are a Dental Hygiene student and include your student ID number, reason for the appointment and your availability.
If you prefer, you may contact Counseling through live chat instead (scroll down to Counseling Window 1, 2 or 3).