Degree Petitions
Review your graduation eligibility with a college counselor. Review and confirm graduation program completion and choice of major and degree with a college counselor Please visit the counseling website.
Submit your completed Online Petition to Graduate to West Los Angeles College as soon as able - see academic calendar for important submission deadlines. If you would prefer your counselor can submit your graduation petition to us.
All official transcripts must be mailed to Admissions and Records Office by the deadline date. Hand delivered transcripts are not acceptable and will not be considered official.
For deadline to have your name included in the commencement program, visit the academic calendar
What Should I Do Before I Submit My Graduation Petition?
Contact the Counseling Office.
Review and confirm graduation program completion and choice of major and degree with a college counselor.
Official transcripts must be mailed directly from previous College or Universities. Hand delivered transcripts are not acceptable and will not be considered official.
When and Where Do I Submit A Graduation Petition?
Submit an Online Petition to Graduate for review during your final semester. This is the semester during which you will complete all graduation required courses.
Submit your completed Online Petition to Graduate to West Los Angeles College - the form is found in your Student Portal. If you would prefer your counselor can submit your graduation petition to us.
If you plan to graduate from West in the Spring AND also plan to transfer to a CSU in the Fall, please submit your graduation petition no later than March 14, 2025.
Who Reviews My Graduation Petition And When Will I Be Notified?
Graduation petitions will be evaluated by an evaluation technician after grades are posted at the end of your final semester. Once your final semester has ended, please allow 8 weeks for one of the following to occur:
A graduation confirmation email notifying you that your award has been posted to your transcript and your diploma has been sent out to print. Diplomas are printed by Parchment and will be mailed out to you directly within 3 weeks of your receipt of the confirmation. Please make sure to update your mailing address with the Admissions & Records Office.
A graduation denial email notifying you which requirements you still need to complete in order to receive a degree from West Los Angeles College.
Any supporting documentation needs to be submitted before the end of final semester.