Student Discipline

Student Discipline

The Los Angeles Community College District faculty, staff and administration are dedicated to maintaining an optimal learning environment; the standards of behavior as outlined in Board Rule 9803 are essential to the maintenance of a quality college environment. These standards apply to all students on campus or other college property or while attending any college-sponsored classes, activities or events. Violation of such laws, policies, rules and regulations or behavior adversely affecting suitability as a student, will lead to disciplinary action.

Frequently Asked Questions

The purpose of the LACCD Student Code of Conduct is to set forth the specific authority and responsibility of the LACCD in maintaining social discipline and to specify the educational process for determining individual student responsibility for alleged violations of LACCD regulations. The disciplinary process follows established procedures to promote and provide an educational experience that facilitates the development of students. Also included are LACCD procedures that exist to provide fair treatment for all students, to support the rights of every student, and to educate all students about the importance of fair resolution of misconduct. The LACCD views the student conduct process as not only a disciplinary process but also a learning experience for the student involved, with the expectation that this experience has the potential of resulting in individual student growth, change in behavior, and increased understanding of the student's responsibilities and privileges within the LACCD community.

The role of the campus disciplinarian officer is twofold. First, it is to protect the college and its constituents from harm and to maintain educational integrity. Second, the role of the campus disciplinarian officer it to serve as an advocate and mutual party until all evidence it gather to make or not make the appropriate decision regarding a specific sanction. The campus disciplinarian officer is the point of communication for you and the college.

If you witness a violation of the LACCD Student Code of Conduct or are unclear and would like to discuss what you witnessed, please contact the Dean, Support Services at the information contained below.

If the sanction imposed is appealable, you may initiate the appeal procedure through the office of the Dean, Support Services. The letter we send you will inform you if the sanction imposed. If it is appealable, the letter will provide detailed instructions on how to appeal.

Our best advice is for you to be fully informed about how the appeal process works and that you understand the full nature of the sanctions made against you. Once the hearing setup and in process, you will be given an opportunity to present your case. Keep in mind that the panel will already have read your written statement. Thus in presenting your case, you may add to it. You may be asked questions by the hearing panel. If you are presenting witnesses, you must do so during your allotted time. Your witnesses cannot participate in the hearing unless you call on them to testify during your allotted time. Be sure you follow protocol and refrain from interrupting the proceedings in any way. ;Once the hearing concludes, you will be informed of its outcome in writing within a few days.

Within five (5) days of the hearing, the Hearing Officer shall deliver to the College President a written report giving specific findings of fact as to each charge and making recommendations for action arrived at by a majority vote of the committee. You will have a specific time period to appeal to the college president. After review from the college president, if the decision is to suspend a student for more than ten (10) days, the College President's decision shall be final.


Michael Goltermann, Dean