Donate Items

Until Further Notice:


Thank you for your interest in donating to the West Wardrobe. we currently cannot accept clothing items. However, there are still 2 ways to donate to the West Wardrobe:

  1. We welcome gifts of other essentials such as toilet paper, cleaning supplies, and menstrual items. These can be donated via AMAZON SMILE.
  2. Monetary donations to the WLAC FOUNDATION to support the purchase of essentials and groceries for the pop-up pantry needed by students are also greatly appreciated. When making your donation, please note that the funding should go to "West Wardrobe."


The West Wardrobe makes clothing, both professional attire and everyday clothing, available at no cost to West students. Currently, students are able to request items from our catalog and pick up on select Fridays in conjunction with our WLAC Pop-Up Pantry days.

All donated clothing items are gently worn or new and appropriate for a professional environment. We are also providing household items via the wardrobe.

Donations may be made above or by contacting @email

All items are tax-deductible as a charitable contribution to the full extent permitted by law.