Frequently Asked Questions
- Complete and submit the DSPS Student Application
- Submit verification of your disability
- Email @email to request an intake appointment and attach both the DSPS application and verification of disability. You may also submit the documents in person and schedule your appointment then.
Yes, you still need to apply to WLAC DSPS even if you are already registered in DSPS at another campus.
No, continuing students do not need to fill out a new application. However, you will need to fill out a DSPS student update and accommodation request and email the forms to @email to receive counseling services, accommodations, and DSPS tutoring for that semester.
Yes, WLAC DSPS considers you a returning student, you will need the following:
1. Complete the DSPS Student Application
2. Verification of your disability (if it has been more than 5 years since you last attended WLAC, you will need to resubmit)
3. Email @email to request an intake appointment
a. Attach the DSPS application
b. Verification of disability (if it has been more than 5 years since you last attended WLAC)
c. State that you are a returning student and the last time you were active with WLAC DSPS (Semester and Year).
Email @email and we will review the eligibility criteria with you.
Yes, the student must complete a DSPS application and the LD intake packet. You may pick up a hard copy in the office (SSB 320) or email us at @email for the electronic version. Once submitted, the student may schedule an appointment with the LD Specialist
You may schedule an appointment by emailing @email or calling (310)287-4450
Students need to make an appointment for the following:
- New or returning student intake
- Student Educational Plan
- Accommodation adjustment
- Issues with a course or instructor
- Registration & course selection
- Appeals
- Transcript Evaluation & File degree/certification petition
- Change with majors, home school, or ED goal
Test Proctoring
Graduation Petition
Email @email to make an appointment and state that you are requesting an ASL interpreter for the appointment.
Note: It can take up to five business days to provide interpreting services.
When you schedule an online appointment, you will receive a link in the confirmation email.
At the time of the appointment, click on the link provided.
Sign into Cranium Café.
You will be placed in a virtual lobby.
Wait for a DSPS Specialist to appear and let you into the meeting.
New Students: First, apply to DSPS. If accommodations were not given during the intake appointment, please schedule a follow-up appointment to request accommodations.
Returning Students: Please complete the Student Update Form and Accommodation Request Form and send the forms to @email. A DSPS Specialist will send your accommodation letters to your instructors.
Note: A student must be registered in the class to receive accommodations for the course. We do not provide accommodations for classes taken at other campuses.
Students must request accommodations as soon as they register for classes. Accommodations are sent to instructors within five business days of the request.
Note: Accommodation requests will not be accepted during finals week.
If a DSPS Specialist provides accommodations that state extended time for exams, instructors can extend the time on Canvas for online classes.
For in-person classes, students must schedule a test proctoring appointment with DSPS at least 5 business days before the date of their quiz/exam if they would like to take the exam in the DSPS office. Exam proctoring hours are Monday-Thursday 9am-4pm until further notice.
When scheduling the testing appointment, make sure to state if you will need a scribe, reader, or an interpreter for the exam, if it is stated on your accommodations.
For further questions, contact DSPS at @email
Students who have been active in DSPS for at least a semester qualify for priority registration and should register then.
New DSPS students should register on the date shown in their student portal.
Yes, DSPS offers free tutoring. Contact DSPS to find out what the current tutoring schedule is.
Faculty Frequently Asked Questions
Please email all questions to @email or call (310)287-4450
1.Students must complete and submit the DSPS Student Application
2. Students must provide verification of their disability
3. Students may email @email to request an intake appointment and attach both the DSPS application and verification of disability or they may submit the documents in person and schedule their intake appointment then.
Students may schedule appointments by emailing @email or calling (310)287-4450
Notification of student accommodations will be sent directly to faculty via district email (@email).
Accommodations will also reflect on the class roster on SIS. This is the only format for receival.
The student can contact DSPS. Faculty can email @email regarding guidance on this general situation, however, DSPS may not disclose information regarding whether a specific student is active in DSPS.
Yes. Please refer to the following:
Rehabilitation Act 1973, Section 504 and 508
Americans with Disability Act
Assembly Bill 77(Lanterman) 1976
Title 5, California Code of Regulations sections 6500-56076
Only if it is stated on their accommodation form.
You may contact DSPS at @email or (310)287-4450
Contact DSPS @email to discuss your online teaching format.
If the class is in-person, and there is a student who has notetaking assistance listed on their accommodations, the faculty member should ask for a volunteer in their class to be a notetaker and inform our office who the notetaker is. The DSPS offices provides letters of recommendations as incentives for students who volunteer to be notetakers. Faculty may not disclose who the student needing notetaking assistance is, to the notetaker or anyone else in the class. It is up to the student if they want to disclose that.
If videos are shown in the course, they need to be described. Please contact West Online for assistance:
Hours: Monday - Friday: 9am-5pm (Friday's Remote)
Location: HLRC 4A or Online
Phone: (310) 287-4305
Email: @email
Website: https://www.wlac.edu/academics/online
Forms: West Online Forms
*Note: Please contact West Online with advance notice as there is a process.
A handout should be made pdf accessible and can be emailed to the student ahead of the start of the class. Please contact West Online for assistance.
If an accommodation states extra time on quizzes/exams, instructors can extend the time on Canvas for online exams.
For in-person classes, if you would like to have the student take the exam in the DSPS office, students must schedule a test proctoring appointment with DSPS at least 5 business days before the date of their quiz/exam. Instructors must send the quiz/exam via the class roster, as soon as possible, preferably 5 business days in advance.
*Note: If the student needs an alternative format for accessibility, it must be sent into DSPS a minimum of 5 business days as it takes a few days to prepare.
For further questions, contact DSPS at @email
Exam proctoring hours are Monday-Thursday 9am-4pm until further notice.
Unfortunately, we are limited in space. We try to accommodate as best as we can, but it all depends on how many students we are proctoring.
You may upload it through the SIS portal. *Instructions on how to upload down below.
You may deliver the exam in person (SSB 320).
*Note: Instructors must send the quiz/exam as soon as possible, preferably 5 business days in advance.
For instructions on how to upload through the portal, send an email to: dsps@wlac.edu
Scan and email to instructor
Instructor may pick up the exams in-person (SSB 320)
*Note: It may take up to 2 business days to scan and email the completed exam back to the instructor.
Yes, the student must complete and submit a DSPS application and the LD intake packet. Once that is submitted, the student may schedule an appointment with the LD Specialist by emailing @email
Yes, DSPS offers free tutoring. The student may schedule a tutoring appointment by emailing @email or calling (310)287-4450
You may refer the student to one of the DSPS staff or tutors.
West Online: https://www.wlac.edu/academics/online
Please contact West Online for assistance:
Hours: Monday - Friday: 9am-5pm (Friday's Remote)
Location: HLRC 4A or Online
Phone: (310) 287-4305
Email: @email
Website: https://www.wlac.edu/academics/online