Fresh Success
What is Fresh Success?
Through Fresh Success, CalFresh participants gain education and training that will lead to better employment and a path to economic self-sufficiency. Fresh Success eligible programs include credit and noncredit career training and noncredit basic skills classes that improve one’s employability (I.e. English Language Learning, high school equivalency)
Fresh Success can help you:
Strengthen your employability through classes and training programs offered at West
Receive supportive services such as career counseling; interview training; job search, placement, and retention services; educational plans; academic monitoring; tutoring; and case management.
Receive help to reduce your financial barriers to program participation, completion and employment, such as transportation assistance, textbooks, and supplies.
Fresh Success Eligibility
Any adult* can apply for these requirements to join Fresh Success @ West. Part-time and noncredit and not-for-credit students are eligible.
- Apply to CalFresh - CAL FRESH APPLICATION (15 minutes). Receive CalFresh benefits (household income eligibility requirements apply).
- Apply to West and enroll in at least one Fresh Success eligible course (if enrolling in credit, the applicant must enroll in a minimum of six units
- Apply to Fresh Success (*Individuals age 16 years or older may apply and be eligible for Fresh Success under certain circumstances. Please visit our zoom or email us at for more information on this.)
- Download Fresh Success Program Flier (PDF)
- Descargar Folleto del programa Fresh Success (PDF - Español)
**Enrollment in Fresh Success does not negatively impact a participant’s other government or college benefits or financial aid awards.**
Apply to Fresh Success
Thank you for your interest in the benefits of Fresh Success to help you complete your college and career goals. Please follow the steps below to complete your application to Fresh Success:
Step 1: Download CalFresh Eligibility Form
Download your ELIGIBILITY verification form - CAL FRESH PORTAL
Instructions on how to download verification form for Cal Fresh Benefits (PDF)
Step 2: Online Intake
Complete Online Intake & Assessment form (15 minutes)
Note: For the link to work you may have to log into your LACCD student email account
Next Steps
You will receive notification via email within 3-5 business days. If you have not heard by then or have any questions, please contact Maritza Medina at (310) 287-4510 or email us at
Information and Assistance
For more info about the Fresh Success @ West or if you have trouble with completing the application steps above, contact us at (310) 287-4404 or (310) 287-4510 or or join our zoom call at:
Meeting ID: 982 9907 4743
Monday - Friday: 9AM - 5:30PM
Student Testimonials