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What is an Articulation Agreement?

An articulation agreement is an agreement between two college campuses that ensures the transferability of courses to meet major and general education requirements. The main purpose of articulation is to facilitate the successful transfer of students from a community college to a four-year institution.

University of California (UC) and California State University (CSU)

West Los Angeles College maintains articulation agreements with all campuses of the University of California and California State University systems. These agreements can be accessed at



Independent Colleges and Universities

West Los Angeles College maintains articulation agreements with several independent colleges and universities in California. Some agreements list only courses that fulfill general education requirements, while other agreements also list courses that fulfill major requirements.



Bachelor's of Science in Dental Hygiene 

List of every California Community College's (CCC) approved courses: 

Approved CCC Courses


Out-of-State Universities







Aaron Benitez, DHSc
Articulation Officer
Email: @email