Transitioning to College


Transitioning to College

West is an accredited California Community College that issues Certificates and Associate Degrees that provide a clear pathway to university transfers and career preparation. We also offer a specialized Bachelor of Science (BS) degree in Dental Hygiene.

West also provides FREE TUITION to first-time freshmen of any age and income who commit to full-time enrollment through the West LA College Promise Program. Students must have a high school diploma (or equivalent), be considered a first-time college student (i.e. no credit coursework after high school), and have CA residency or meet AB540 status.

To qualify for the Promise Program, you must follow steps #2-6 below:

If you already have an LACCD ID# and have taken an LACCD college course within the last year, you can skip this step. If not, please

Complete the online application to West LA College.

How to Apply Instruction Guide

Need help applying? Sign-up here for a group application workshop on select Wednesdays at 6:00 pm viz zoom!

Note: You will receive an email with your LACCD ID# 2-5 business days after completing the online application to West LA College. If you do not receive this email within this timeframe, please contact the Admissions Office at or live chat.

Federal School Code: 008596. Students should only complete one of the applications (not both).

  • FAFSA - Application for U.S. citizens, permanent residents, and T visa holders.
  • CA Dream Act - Application for undocumented students, students with a valid or expired DACA, U visa holders, and students with temporary protected status (TPS).

Need more support? Contact the WLAC Financial Aid Office

Financial Aid Website | Email: | Live Chat

  • Orientation - Log into your student portal, click on "Student Status," select "Orientation," select "Orientation" again, and review the slides until you get to the confirmation screen.
  • English/Math Placement - On your student portal, click on "Student Status" and select "Assessment Result."
    • If you do not see an English and Math placement, click "To Do List & Holds" select "English & Math Placement". Complete the webform.
    • If the item is not in your TO DO checklist or you would like additional asstance, email the Welcome Center at
  • Select Your Classes:  
    • New College Students can use WLAC's Program Mapper to select the classes you need. Check out our 90-second tutorial video. Once you register in the classes recommended by our Program Mapper, you can schedule an appointment with a counselor for a comprehensive educational plan. 
    • Note - returning students, especially with credits from outside institutions, should consider skipping Program Mapper and schedule a Counseling appointment.  

Need more support? Contact the WLAC Welcome Center

Welcome Center Website | Email: | Call: 310-287-7251

Review your student education plan or visit the program mapper site for a list of class recommendations based on your intended program.

Need Help Choosing Classes? Contact the WLAC Counseling Office

Counseling Website | Email: | Live Chat

Dream Resource Center (DRC) - Provides a safe space for undocumented students to receive academic counseling, use computers and printing services, and learn about legislation and policies that affect them.
Website | Email: | Live Chat

Disabled Student Programs & Services (DSPS) - Provides students with physical, communication, or learning challenges with personalized counseling, classroom accommodations, and other support services.
Website | | PDF Application | Live Chat

Extended Opportunity Programs & Services (EOPS) - Provides students with economic and academic barriers with book vouchers, academic counseling, and specialized workshops to enhance student success.
Website | Email: | Live Chat

Fresh Success. - Helps students meet their educational and career goals by paying for their class textbooks, school supplies/materials, fees for employment licensing, and more. Participants also receive academic counseling, referrals to support services, and employment placement assistance.
Website | Email: | Live Chat

Guardian Scholars - Assists current and former foster youth in their journey to obtain an associate degree, certificate, or transfer to a four-year university. Participants receive academic advising, career counseling, employment assistance, mentoring, and more.
Website | Email: | Live Chat

LMU Business Scholars Program (BSP) - Provides students with personalized counseling support from the WLAC Transfer Center and LMU'S Office of Transfer Admissions. Students receive guaranteed admission to LMU's College of Business if program requirements are met.
Website| Email: | Online Application | Live Chat: N/A

Puente Program - Designed to aid underserved and underrepresented students to achieve academic success. Provides students with leadership development opportunities, personalized counseling, university tours and more.
Website | Email: | Online Application | Live Chat: N/A

Police Orientation Preparation Program (POPP) - A fast-paced, career-oriented program for students that aspire to join the ranks of the LA Police Department.
Website | Email: | Online Application | Live Chat: N/A

Transfer Honors Program (THP) - Provides students with the opportunity to earn honors credit for courses. Students who complete the program receive priority admission consideration to select 4-year institutions including UCLA, UC Irvine, CSU Fullerton, LMU and more.
Website | Email: | Online Application | Live Chat: N/A

TRIO Student Support Services - Provides students with workshops, academic advising, university tours, and more to help students transfer to a four year university.
Website | Email: | Live Chat

UCLA Center for Community College Partnerships (CCCP) - Works to increase the academic preparation and competitiveness of community college transfer students, particularly those that are first-generation, low-income, or historically underrepresented.
Website | Email: | Online Application | Live Chat

Congrats Seniors!

Are you interested in FREE TUITION for your first 2 years at a community college? Complete the interest form below for more information about how to qualify for the West LA College Promise Program for Fall.

Interest Form

Upcoming Workshops!

Calendar of Events

Application Workshop
Wednesday @ 6:00PM
Receive help completing the online application to WLAC.

West LA College Promise Workshop!
Tuesdays 3:30-4:30pm
Ready to join LA College Promise and receive 2-years of FREE tuition? Attend the West LA College Promise workshop to complete all the program requirements. This workshop will consist of an LACP orientation AND a virtual walkthrough on how to enroll in the required Summer Transition courses.
Note: You MUST have an LACCD ID# to attend this workshop.

Contact Us

Instagram: @wlacoutreach

Or contact a WLAC Representative!

Ms. Shaquan McGill

Animo Venice HS
Crenshaw HS
Dorsey HS
Hamilton HS
Palisades HS
Phoenix HS
University HS
Venice HS
View Park Prep
Westchester HS

Ms. Jessica King

Animo Champions
Animo Leadership
Hawkins HS
Culver City HS
Fairfax HS
Hollywood HS
LA High
Math & Science College Prep
Walt Whitman

Not a student from one of these high schools? Contact us at!