EOPS Application
Email your completed application to @email or bring it to SSB 330.
The application period for Spring 2025 is January 21 to May 2, 2025.
Student Resource Guide
Online EOPS Application Assistance
Join one of our Zoom info sessions (every Tuesday) to learn about program benefits, receive clarification on eligibility, and obtain assistance with EOPS/CARE/NextUp applications.
Time: 11:00am - 11:30am
Join Zoom Meeting: https://laccd.zoom.us/j/95884204167
Extended Opportunity Programs and Services (EOPS)
EOPS is a State funded comprehensive academic counseling program designed to provide additional support to eligible fulltime students.
Our mission is to enhance student success by providing “over and above” services to students with economic and academic barriers to their education. Another fundamental goal of the program is to increase the number of underrepresented students enrolled in the community college. This is accomplished by providing an overall supportive environment with a variety of benefits and services. Eligibility is determined by academic and financial need as mandated by the state.
Before applying for EOPS, students must have applied for the California College Promise Grant (formerly known as the BOG Fee Waiver) through the Financial Aid Office.
- Book Vouchers
- Counseling
- Priority Registration
- Online Support Services
- Specialized Workshops
To be an EOPS student you must:
Qualify for a California College Promise Grant (formerly Board of Governors or BOG) A or B fee waiver
During your first semester in EOPS, be enrolled full-time (12+ LACCD units) with at least 3 WLAC units
DSPS students may be accepted under 12 units with a referral signed by a DSPS counselor
Foster Youth 9 units with verification
Be below 70 degree applicable units when applying for EOPS. (69 or less at enrollment)
Not have earned an AA/AS, BA/BS or higher degree.
Be a California Resident or AB540 student
Be educationally disadvantaged. One of the following must apply:
You did not graduate from high school or did not obtain an equivalent (must verify).
You graduated from high school with a grade average less than 2.50 on a 4.0 scale (must verify).
You do not qualify for college level math or English as required for an Associate Degree
You are first generation college student. Your parent(s) did not receive a bachelor’s degree in or out of this country.
You are an emancipated foster youth and/or you were in foster care, kinship care guardianship and/or ward of the court upon your 18th birthday (you must be between the ages of 18-22)
Cooperative Agencies Resource for Education (CARE)
CARE is administered by the EOPS Program and serves the unique needs of single parents who are designated as head of household.
- Additional book voucher
- Meal Vouchers
- Transportation Assistance
- Specialized workshops/events
- Study time childcare grants
- EOPS student
- Single Parent & head of household
- CalWORKS recipient
- Have at least one child under 18 years of age