students selecting clothes in WLAC Wardrobe

West Wardrobe

West Wardrobe Logo

Service hours vary, but appointments can be made by calling (310) 287-4487  Bi-monthly pop-up pantries occur each 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month (see dates & times), or until our supplies run out. Note that sometimes, due to holidays, we change the pop-up dates.


We're glad to have you visit our West Wardrobe catalog. These gently used, donated garments are provided to West students at no cost. To receive clothing, follow these steps:

Browse the Catalog (Sorry - the catalog is not available at this time). You can select 3 items per WEST STUDENT ID at each food and clothing pickup. Each article of clothing has an item number. Please contact us at the email listed below to request an item or if you have additional needs.

Email @email with your request.

Please contact us if you have additional needs. Include your name, student ID and a short description of your item and its inventory number


John Doe, Student #90005556
Red Coat #COAT112233

Expect a confirmation email from the West Wardrobe with instructions on which Friday you can pick up your item(s) at at drive-thru / walk-thru at West.

Pick Up - Bring a copy of the confirmation (on your phone or printed) to the drive-thru / walk-thru on the designated day.